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Everything posted by chilli

  1. WOW im fully going to respect eels a whole lot more i take my daughter down to feed the local tame eels whitch are getting used to us,(now i have some info to teach her and the other children i see there)
  2. thats so true :lol: id go small fish (i like the guppys and killies)
  3. how often do you feed those out? and obviously its save? try worms in vegies too, i would up temp and wiggle cricket to side of mouth so it sees it and is interested(hold back legs)after its warmed up(the dragon not cricket) good luck(it just takes time)
  4. i think my dragons are to small (young)for outside(oldest 1yr youngest 4-5mths)fulltime i do let them have turns in a sun cage i made,(not for little water,she wiggled out gaps) next year i was hoping to put waters out but i do live on ruff street and my neibours got robbed when they were home, so someone might steal them for quick cash all the locals know my dogs,so there no good..................ill have to think about that now i also had a power cut yesterday so tried to use last of sun and if i put sun cage in window box(with a shaded bit) does enough uv get throu glass?
  5. what is everyone using and have you had any problems(bulbs blowing etc) i have two tube bulbs(5%) and one compact(10%) i think the tube give off more light(not uv)than the compact and are cheaper but the compact ive heard gives off uv for a longer distance(50cm) and the tube ones can over heat ive not had any problems with bulbs blowing or over heating tubes( :oops: i have blowen a tank with the heat bulb but thats another story) what do you guys use,prefer? have you heard good or bad about the lights
  6. chilli

    Petshop rant

    aww i hate shops like that i myself have worked in a few pet store i admit im not the great with the fish but if someone(a cusomer)was teaching me something new id learn and then double check on the net when i got home, GOOD WORK for telling her,shame on her for thinking she nows more just coz she works around them(doesnt have years personal fish keeping experance)
  7. hmmm if its the same type off fish should be okay but i dont no(just means red off spring carry gold colour,and if bred back to gold should have gold off spring)(please correct me if im wrong) the dogs are crosses i love the adds on tm that say lab crosses and there little red pitbulls(what a mean throw back)
  8. good luck with fish and photos uploading hopfully the little guy will come right with all the tlc
  9. well people dont buy cat treats just give them some flakes or dried shrimp :lol:
  10. would never of thought of bloodworm for a rabbit,cat and fish food yeh but rabbits :lol:
  11. or is that coz he could believe locust got that big :lol:
  12. That is a big locust :lol: he looks sooooo cute he so bright alert and happy i love seeing peoples photos of there pets
  13. here is a photo of Calypso(sweetysmums beardie)(24wks) she/he looks so relaxed 8) time goes fast this is Iris tonight(starting to shed head and body) he is 33cm and gets really bright yellow(must be all that yellow food :bounce:) whisper is eating again(yes)since we put her in smaller tank she alot happyer it was her bday on the 2nd she is one
  14. no not yet hopefully in a few weeks(not finished yet) ill post photos 8)
  15. very cute beardie :bounce: there is lots of bd around that age,i got one too but not from mincie :oops: (sorry mincie)
  16. how old is kitten? i have another young kitten and try to keep in just one or two rooms so it doesnt get lost in house and pee everywhere i also leave nothing on ground(for long) so it doesnt pee on it(it peed on a jumper when we got it so im being abit striked with it till it learns where to go and to hold its bladder (peeing on its bed is wierd but it might not like the cat litter i had to wean mine from sand to litter over time he used to do his biznise beside litter box :evil: but he good now) :evil:
  17. nice job i bid on that beardie but not the amount it went for, good to no its cared for :bounce:
  18. THANKS FOR YOUR TEXT ROCKWORK ill see you end march then
  19. i got my young one to eat freeze dried crix comes in handy when run out of live or when kitten eats them
  20. I had a few flying round house and i grabed a few big ones and they bit me(i was expecting that)
  21. I'v had 2 sent to me from same breeder the 5 wk old was in a plastic tub (bit bigger than length of dragon)with screw on lid and heaps of air holes in courior bag with air holes and the other was older and in a box, they got to me fast and okay but my friends one might of injured it tail from traviling so there is a slight risk i guess
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