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Everything posted by piggyvir

  1. one of my fish got a big lump in the head today. He's like an oranda but i don't know he has full crown development...... any idea why is that??? he used be in orange colour ..... How to attach picture in a forum post???
  2. Update - my water quality has improved after i stop feeding the fish for 2 days and remove 50% of water everyday. Two of my fish are still heavily infected by white spot. The white spots disappear and come back again i have been using Melafix on a daily basis and have already isolated those sick fish in a water bucket (i know it's not ideal, but I don't have a hospital tank ) I will keep you guys posted !
  3. I am thinking of a cainster filter as well, is there anything wrong to buy a second hand filter? I am thinking to get a nice second hand one with new media to start...
  4. oops.. my nitrate level is 25mg/l i think i need to change 50% water.. thanks for your advice
  5. your fish looks exactly like mine, except mine is double of your size !!! Mine has been living happily with a big big big belly for 3 years already and I only have problems with them recently after changing to a new tank.. I have been over feeding - I used to feed them 3 times a day ...
  6. just reading more about treating sick fish in general (trying to be a responsible owner!) Should I add salt to the water? I have a 210L tank, how much salt should I add? I read about a link saying 1 teaspoon per gallon. Based on that calcualtion, I need to add up to 40 teaspoon? Also, how to see a sign of distress???? http://freshaquarium.about.com/cs/treat ... nfresh.htm
  7. Thanks guys ! much appreciated ! this is my first time ever having to managing that many goldfish on my own and it has been a tough experiecne all the way through.. I guess I have to be more patience rather rushing things through...
  8. do you actually add those water conditioner after water change? and also stresszyme?
  9. Thanks ! I will try it out and let you know
  10. nay it's not. I have learnt my lesson after wasting half a bottle of melafix... actually - can i reuse the carbon after giving it a clean? should I do a 50% water change every 3 days?
  11. usually once a week and now i have increased to twice a week.. 30% water change each time After scrolling through the forum.. i think perhaps I am over feeding my fish.. because they are sick, i thought feeding them more food is a good idea I have a couple of oranda and black moors with very very fraying fins. I think fin rotting has stopped but any chance for them to grow back? I have been adding melafix to the tank everyday now... the white spots start dying...
  12. Hi there I have set up a tank recently, a second hand one I bought off trademe. I have 11 fish in 210 L tank and 3 weeks ago I discovered some of them has fin rot. All of them are treated but a week after adding carbon, one of my fish got white spot (she's a female...) since then, my water has been in this milky colour.. any idea what's going on with my tank??? I tried pulling out gravel but it's not helping Thanks
  13. same here - i have done melafix for 7 days and my fish were a bit better (oranda). One of my oranda got red wound and fin rot. Since then I have done another water change plus adding some new plants, a couple hours later, i discovered white spots on my fishy... i started the melafix cycle again. The pet shop owner told me to keep on using melafix even after 7 days (1 treatment cycle) Any other idea of what I should do? I am pulling the gravels out at the moment to install the undergravel filter plus I suspect my gravels must be too dirty...
  14. piggyvir


    I live in the west and never knew there's a fish farm over there !! I wonder whether I will treasure my fish more if I 'grow' fish in the farm situation?!
  15. I just got one of these from a second hand tank and i throw the old sponge away... do I need to buy another sponge or can I just use my filter sponge? Also, may I ask where did you get your unit??
  16. Hi all, i am thinking of upgrading my tank at the moment and have been looking everywhere for tanks. I like the fluval vicenza bow front tanks and the only other one I can find is the Juwel vision 180. i have read some review on the internal filter and apparantly it's not strong enough. Is there anywhere I can look and do more research on? Also, where can I get the fluval vicenza tank in Auckland? I have checked Animates and Hollywood fishfarm and none of them have those... Cheers Vir
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