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Everything posted by Wok

  1. did you ever find the crack? you do know that the more fish you take out the lower the water will be... right?
  2. I'm with Alan on this one... NO!!! I use external Fluval filters and they have shut off valves that stop that from happpening :lol:
  3. I will be there on Saturday for Exec meeting Also staying at Club Habitat
  4. Ha ha ha Same thing happened to me Alan I just waited cause it has happened to me before
  5. with the weather she is having down there... she could be off at any stage Phewww... what a pong :lol: :lol:
  6. I believe I have. need to check it
  7. I have been feeding mine beef heart and blood worms. Must get some more worms then. (earth worms I mean) better get wifey to get more broken pots from work.
  8. Afrikan, My chocolates are around 15-20cm at the moment had to seperate one large male from the rest cause he was too much of a bully, now liviing with 4 medium sized jags and 2 gold severums. did do some large water changes.... but still nothing.
  9. I believe the front cover has a very large aquarium... think the main article is about Architecture and Aqurariums January edition
  10. Ohhhh. Nice fish I have 4 from Afrikan... still waiting for them to do the deed :-?
  11. Nice Apisto article in the Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine this month
  12. with a ban on liquids onboard planes... you are Stuffed :lol:
  13. I can hear a murmurings of a few Wellingtonians. ther murmuring is getting louder... .....ROAD TRIP!!!!
  14. I'm Sure Caryl and Billaney will bring some up when they emerge from the water after Evil and I push them in :lol:
  15. hmmm.. wonder how much Mystic is willing to Pay? :roll:
  16. Zev.. you forgot one important thing "If it moves, bets will be placed, if it loses, it will become the next meal" :lol:
  17. I believe that Newly hatched Brine shrimp are better than daphnia in nutritional value. also the BBS are much smaller than Daphnia so easily eaten by the "Fries"
  18. Ok.. I have made my booking for a motel room. Got spare bed if anyone wants to share. Don't worry, I don't bite.. snore maybe :lol: but not bite
  19. Evil.. If Afrikan is going on the Molly Hunt we could use her as a ram :lol:
  20. I am sure Evil will be light enough to wield like a shield :lol: If not we will stand behind Billaney and Grant
  21. don't worry Rogan... I will :lol: chilly bin, net, change of clothes, water, food, chips.....etc :lol:
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