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Posts posted by Olly

  1. LOL I was shocked to find out the other day in a Planning and Funding meeting, that if I needed a new hip I would not get one .

    It seems that I am over the BMI restrictions in NZ for a new hip.

    I am 36 so hopefully I dont need one that soon.

    I have played semi pro rugby so that may be a factor but so may be my genetic back ground but at 6 foot 2 inches (about 187cm) and 270 lbs (120kg) I didnt think I was what the doc called Morbidly Obese.

    I may have to give up the odd chocloate..but not ones that swim


    :lol: I'm the same

    I'm 5'11" and weigh 110-115kg depending on if I've had lunch

    I can benchpress my own weight and run 10km in 45min but am "very obese" according to BMI lol

  2. I have a cf700 which is a good filter

    The one problem I have had with it was when it was on my discus tank at 30*C, the hoses went all soft and kinked really badly, to the point where there was actually no flow, and the tank had an ammonia spike and killed 2 discus.

    It kinked just by the taps. I put a soft spring (from a sheep drench pack) around the hose and that fixed it

    Just a warning

  3. I'm not going to repeat myself every time someone says the s-word, if people want to take pet shop names at face value then thats up to them. :roll:

    Olly, perhaps reading this might help answer your question; http://eartheaters.qldaf.com/index.php? ... rinamensis

    I'm fully open to learning what my fish really is

    That link is helpful,

    G. altifrons is probably what it is?

    It's not G. brachybranchus as it has a white chin and it's lateral spot is much smaller than that

  4. lmao :lol: :lol:

    maybe I need to see your chocolates Navarre, the only adult chocolates I have seen were butt ugly and just hid all the time.

    A nice fish could probably look good, but I haven't seen one yet

    Do you have any photos of yours? Maybe you can sway my opinion :)

    would they fight with the oscars?

  5. You should also try get some more G. surinamensis, they look great in groups

    I would love a few more but can't afford more at $28 a fish at wetpets, and havn't seen any others for sale at all in 6 months. If you can help me PLEASE let me know :)

    lol nice looking tank man.. Where did you get that retro looking gravel from? And is it neutral?

    If it wasn't for all the south americans it would make a great african tank :) Add more africans they look great in groups ;) haha Just kidding.. Is everyone getting along?

    What africans would you suggest? the south americans are staying :lol: the gravel is scoria which is neutral - as far as I know its made from silica I got it from Palmers for $14.95 for 20kg

    I agree with the S.American theme.

    do you like chocolate cichlids?

    Chocolates look cool little but they get ugly when they older in my opinion
  6. I have finally got my new 5ft set up

    It is 1.5m x 0.6m x 0.6m = 540L

    It has 2 external canister filters on it - one 1200lph and one 1400lph

    Gravel is red scoria, rocks are greywacke

    I want a nice big piece of driftwood for the right hand side of the tank, haven't found what I want yet

    Fish are:

    2 oscars, 1 red and one red tiger

    1 S. fryeri

    1 G. surinamensis

    1 bala shark

    1 pleco

    1 chocolate talking catfish

    2 firemouths that will go in once they are big enough

    Are there any other fish people would recommend to put in there? I really want a bichir of some sort






  7. Should be ^2, ^-2 is something totally different.

    9.8m/s^1 would be just 9.8m/s which is velocity, 9.8m/s^2 is meters per second per second which is a rate of change, AKA acceleration.

    Ira it is ^-2 because I wrote it ms^-2 not m/s^2

    When a power is taken from the bottom to the top of a fraction or vice versa, it's sign changes. For example, s^-2 means the inverse of s^2 in other words 1/s^2

    writing it as m/s^2 is exactly the same as writing it as ms^-2 because it means m.(1/s^2)

    I have a feather that accelerates at the same rate. It's for sale and i'm open to offers :D

    Your feather may accellerate at the same rate but it's terminal velocity is much slower than that of a wild-caught rock :lol:

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