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Everything posted by Matto

  1. dont you mean this? :lol: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=398120237
  2. Matto

    This or that

    i havent had frozen l&p but im going with it anyway big fish or small fish?
  3. thanks i got sick of taking blurry pics so i tried out the video setting
  4. Matto

    Greetings all

    how'd you manage to get calculator from joseph ?
  5. Matto

    Fay's Reef Tank

    !drool: !drool: awesome tank! how long has it been running?
  6. Matto

    The What's Up? thread.

    yes they are but everything else would look tiny in your tanks lol
  7. Matto

    The What's Up? thread.

    COME TO THE DARK SIDE...... :rotf: your tank would be awesome with some big fronts cruising around :thup:
  8. 20cm approx is huge ,id say its to small and that's not something i say very often :lol:
  9. #3 ,i have 2 in a 76litre tank full of juvi africans and they work great
  10. i am really interested ,I've thought about getting one a few times but couldn't afford the cost to set up :slfg:
  11. cheers i have them in my African breeding tank already :thup:
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