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Everything posted by mickey_1975

  1. A couple of things could help 1. Get a small uv filter to minimise disease 2. Treat water with Prime or other chemical eliminator that removes chlorine and harmful chemicals 3. Always add new water slowly to tank to minimise stress to fishes. 10% change at least once a week 4. A good biological/mechanical filter for good bacteria growth to minimise nitrite/ammonia levels Hope that helps:o)
  2. Hey, try moving the tank decorations around and that may desturb them enough not to keep fighting. :thup:
  3. Hi everyone, I am heading to Auckland this weekend and would like to know the best fish shops to go to. Looking for discus but really like to see big range of fish and products. I know Hollywood is great but are there more that are just as good? Thanks, Malcolm.
  4. I was thinking of getting this light for my 4ft http://www.trademe.co.nz/Pets-animals/Fish/Lights-lamps/auction-385956720.htm Only $280
  5. hey where did you get the backing from, would love that sort of thing for my tank.
  6. Baby clown loaches or marines?
  7. Smaller loaches look brighter and the colours are more distinct. I have really big loaches but would love a larger group of smaller ones any day.
  8. Hi, I have found with clown loaches that some will grow fast but others get stunted. This may be due to haveing a school of them and growth rates being suppressed by dominent group members. I would suggest smaller schools of similar sized fish and feed often with small amounts. High protein food is good for growth. I have 9 clown loaches all of similar age but a couple are only a 3rd the size.
  9. Wow thats cool background. How much would it cost to make me one thats 60cm by 60cm
  10. I have the same issue with one of my angels. It has to be some kind of disease I think. I am not sure what tho. I have just shifted them to a new tank so maybe its lack of good bacteria in the water or something.
  11. I bought some neons once from animates and they all died a day after. I went back to animates and they said they had neon tetra disease. They werent going to do anything about it but I wasnt going away till I got a refund. The guy told me all off the neons they got were infected. I got free plants in the end luckily. The new owners dont really look after customers if you ask me.
  12. It might have the same thing as the BN but I have lost a few to this before. I think I will just destroy it and treat the tank with water changes and salt. I dont think its dropsy as I have seen that where scales protrude out and this fish is not doing that. I did disect one once to see in its stomach and it had a lot of fatty deposit.
  13. Hey everyone, I have an angel fish that has a very swollen tummy and looks very motionless in the water. Its not eating and will probly die. Does anyone know what could be the cause of the problem.
  14. razor blades are great as they are really fine and dont rip through.
  15. Hi all, I am looking for a sponge for my pond filter. I want to sit my filter into the middle of the cube. I have seen them before but cant remember where. Can anyone help me find where they are sold?
  16. Can I have one too!!! From one addict to another hehe:o)
  17. Ok, what companies do the pet stores use to transport live fish. I used to work for animates and they get live fish in every week from all over the country. I will ask them which companies they use when I go in next.
  18. I think its a fantastic idea!!! You dont need to open it up to see the screen Read newspapers and articles easily and increase font size with your fingers I think I might wait for the holographic computer where the screen is just a projection. How cool would that be:o)
  19. Hey I wouldnt mind getting some, how much do they go for on average.
  20. Hi, I have had two angels with a similar problem. Huge tummy and not eating. I know its not dropsy as I have seen that before. Sadly they both died from it. I cut one open to see if I could see what it was inside. There was a lot of white fatty tissue in and around the stomach cavity. Still none the wiser about it all. M.
  21. Hi, mitre 10 and bunnings have a silicone tube for about 13 bucks. It has a picture of a an aquarium on the back and tells you it is safe for aquariums.
  22. mickey_1975


    Hi, if you separate sick fish into isolation tank that is smaller you dont use as much meds. You are also only treating sick fish instead of all the fish.
  23. Hey, get a yoyo loach, they are great at eating them up. Another way is Snailrid which uses copper sulfate to eliminate them. Can affect different fish though so be careful not to overuse.
  24. Hi, can anyone tell me if by feeding bristlenose plecs zucchini they could die from the insecticide residue on them?
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