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Everything posted by suemack

  1. suemack

    Eggs again :)

    how big a tank would they need to be in Bruce? At present they are in a 36 x 15 x 15 inch well planted tank with 3 cories, kuhlis, an apistogramma, 6 neons and a few guppies - they are definately the top fish of the tank - no-one came near when they were guarding the eggs. thanks - sue
  2. suemack

    Eggs again :)

    eggs gone - moral of today's lesson - leave the poor little fishes in peace when they are doing intimate things (i.e don't take photos every 3 mins).......... still - they have laid twice, so will probably do it again - sue
  3. suemack

    Eggs again :)

    here is a better photo of the two of them together
  4. suemack

    Eggs again :)

    Thanks Bruce - these are just babies still (only their 2nd lot of eggs) in a 29 gall community tank (cories, kuhlis, an apistogramma borellii, guppies and neons). they are keeping the others away from the 1/2 tank they are guarding. I think they laid the eggs Friday am - it's about 4 days to hatching isn't it (if they are fertile) Can you tell from the photo if they are M & F? I'm still not sure. thanks Sue
  5. suemack

    Eggs again :)

    discovered yesturday that my keyhole cichlids have eggs again - in one of the ornaments took some photos today and they look orangey coloured so far (shakey hand/excited mummy :lol: ) - sue
  6. I'd love to breed them Robbo but this is the first one I've ever seen and am not even sure if he is a he or a she :-? .......but if I ever work it out and find another.................. :lol: - sue
  7. hi robbo - length from nose to end of tail fins is about 2 1/2 - 3 inches. Not very big and a very slim line build. He is hemiloricaria sp (not sure of the number) sue
  8. thanks wok - he cost me lots of guppies I trade them in for credit here's another pic taken today
  9. got this awesome whiptail at our lfs - he's very shy and it's not the greatest photo but will keep trying - sue
  10. that was Mrs A and here is Mr Apistogramma ?borellii sue
  11. ..........one of the 'more mature' larger lady guppies :lol:
  12. am trying a different photo link
  13. Hi Rob thanks for the link - very similar though mine don't have as much colour - will try to get a better photo of the female tonight sue
  14. possibly a photo of the missus will appear :-? :roll:
  15. hi there - haven't worked out the posting of photos yet but is the photo on my avatar a male apisto borellii? Doesn't look like the pics in any of the books or websites - there was a suggestion it may be a regani sp. He sometimes has a dark stripe through the eye, female has darker markings......sometimes :-? Behaviour is fairly aggressive for an apisto - moves the keyholes, cories and everyone else in the tank away from food. Cool little guy though - would like to breed him but have to work out a way of having him in the same tank as the missus without him killing her! thanks - sue :lol:
  16. suemack


    used them in my first tank when it was first set up and they looked.........sort of.........plastic :roll: - have had real ones since - sue
  17. suemack


    hiya dreamchaser - nice to meet you. Come on into chat at about 9pm and say hi. - sue
  18. ummmm.....just wondering .....do you get points for breeding guppies? :-? - sue
  19. what stunning photography - thank you - sue
  20. congratulations Goldie - to you and your little finned ones does this mean you'll be spending the night cooking courgettes :lol:
  21. hi there count sexy tart :lol: mmmmmm - sounds like there could be a story behind how you got given that name .You're right - tis time to have a go at toppling the record - will do my best to be here on the Thurs at 8pm - see you then......if not before in chat :lol: - suemack
  22. hi chrismack - just visited the site again - awesome :lol: sue
  23. :-? both the keyholes are out and about the tank this morning so I presume there are no more eggs .......never mind....don't think I'm quite ready for the patter of little fins around the tank yet :roll: ......at least I now know that one of them is a female! :lol:
  24. thanks Caryl I'm discovering that cichlids (even the mild mannered ones) are very different to guppies when they're breeding :roll: Absolutely fascinating watching the goings on in the tank though - unless you are one of the other fish in said tank Mrs Keyhole had been in her spot for about 48hrs - just hadn't realized why until last night! so am not sure exactly when the eggs were laid.....but am not counting my chickens (or keyholes) till they hatch :lol: more ideas and insight into these amazing fish ............oh dear......I'm sposed to be a guppyoholic :oops: sue
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