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Everything posted by Spink

  1. Our old cat used to eat frozen peas, straight out of the freezer. Our new cat is such a ponce that she will only eat one brand of cat biscuit and nothing else. The younger cat would eat the kitten food, while the kitten came and ate her food. Izzy also plays with cicadas but not often does she eat them. Nala, the dog, eats strawberries from the patch, and will eat fresh peas from the garden. All normal in our family!
  2. The next meeting of the Upper Hutt Aquarium Society is.... Wednesday 11th March 2009 at 7:30pm Meeting is held at the IHC/Maidstone Centre 24-26 Goodshed road, Upper Hutt Rooms open at 7pm and the meeting starts promptly at 7:30pm. We will be having the AGM and electing the new officers for the 2009 year. Subs for the year are also due at this time. This will be followed by group supper and Quiz Night - some light hearted fun for everyone! Visitors and new members are always welcome. See you all there!
  3. NO Buts! You want me to have more tanks, only fair you should pay for them! Don't worry, I'm winning Lotto soon, so I'll open my own fish shop and I can have all the fish I've ever dreamed of and play to my hearts content!
  4. So if Wok and Billaney want me to get more tanks, are they offering to pay the power bill for me?
  5. I'm gutted I couldn't go! Probably just as well though - I got hit with a nasty cold on Thursday so haven't been feeling the best. Mind you, a hot mud bath might have been just the trick! I guess the other thing I have to consider is that I'm having enough trouble getting rid of the fish I have now, what the heck would I do with a whole lot more! :roll: Maybe we should try and organize another one for the end of the year and get ourselves sorted so more people can attend.
  6. So.......how'd it go? Any horror stories or tales of extreme fortunance? Did anybody find any whopper mollies or was it just juvies that came home today?
  7. Don't worry Caryl, i know all about dealing with drunken teenagers! My neighbours went away the same night of my husbands 40th and their son decided to have a party. Short story, the cops came and if it weren't for the fact my sister in law knew his uncle, he would have spent the night in a police cell block. By the way, his aim in life is to be a police officer. Great start. What beats that though, last Thursday night his cricket team won some trophy, so they had a team BBQ at his place, next door to me. The noise was a bit much but we forgave them as we knew this cricket trophy was big deal to them. The problem came about 10pm when i brought my dog in from outside to go to bed for the night. I put my hand on her head and was greeted with beer and vomit. One of the neighbours mates had gotten himself violently drunk and threw up over my side of the fence, all over my dog. Someone else poured beer on her to try and help wash it off. I let it go that night but went to talk to my neighbours yesterday..... Get this - they KNEW it happened that night but didn't come and apologize, nor make their son OR the guy that did it apologize. I've found out from my step daughters friends since talking to my neighbours that the guy who did it, his father was there and knows he did it, but yet still no apology or offer to wash my dog or pay to have her groomed! What's wrong with people these days! If that were my girls, i would be making them go and apologize in person and offer to pay to take the dog t be professionally cleaned! Needless to say I'm not all that fond of my neighbours right now. First it was food in my pond, now vomit on my dog...what happens when they win their next national trophy match?
  8. Unfortunately me and my group won't be coming along....not enough people and dosh to pay for the petrol... maybe another time though!
  9. The next meeting of the Upper Hutt Aquarium Society is on Wednesday 11th February 2009 at 7:30pm, at the IHC/Maidstone Centre, Goodshed road Upper Hutt. Visitors are welcome, and our topic this month is 'Food' Please come along and bring with you any fish food containers (empty or full) and join in the discussion about what food works best for who, the benefits and downsides of them, and a light supper afterwards. Please also note that our March meeting will be the club AGM, followed by a quiz night and supper (everyone brings a plate) We look forward to seeing you all there!
  10. Can anyone local tell me who they use and what they're like? I've been asked to ship fish but need a good courier company and need to find out the cost to overnight it to Palmy from Welly. Anyone got any tips? Who do you use?
  11. It's looking like it could be a goer for the Sunday! How many others are going on the Sunday? Any one else from Welly going? I'm gonna get dirty! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  12. I know the trout pellet things works! I tried the pellets in all my tanks to see which of my fish would eat them - of those that didn't, the snails swarmed all over them! Made it easy to siphon them all out at once!
  13. there is a trip on the horizon, maybe you could come along on that one!
  14. Gee Ceasar, I can see we need to get a good camera, photographic tank and suitable lighting then head to your place for photos of these fish! Would be good to know what they look like so I can figure out what the heck i have floating around in my tanks! Still on the look out for that purple guppy.....
  15. I pull snails out of my tank every day! Ain't it funny how those who want them can't get them to multiply, but those who don't want them seem to have a never ending supply of them! I just pulled a pile out plant out and have it sitting in water with Snail Rid to try and kill mine off! Still have a good few I could throw your way if you're ever around my end of the region.
  16. Don't know that we'd make it there by 9am.....
  17. Ah come on Paul! What does Rotorua have to offer that you couldn't find in the muddy swaps of Turangi?! Besides, if you're there anyway could be a lot of fun.......
  18. Is anyone else looking at going on the hunt on Sunday? I'm really keen to go and trying to get it organized, but can't make it until the Sunday at this stage. I'd need someone else to show me where to go, and it won't be as much fun without as many people there.
  19. I have another work horror story to do with a Christmas party.....long story........ My lesson learnt was never to work for family! :roll: First year working part time as the office girl for husband family. Get late notice we're having a work barbecue, said I would try and make it but was working at my other full time job so I would see what I could do. Anyways, so my brother-in-law starts ringing me going "when are you coming to have a drink with me?" which straight away indicates to me he is already drunk (he NEVER rings me any other time!). So after many more similar phone calls, i finish work and go round thinking I'll grab a bite to eat, have one drink before heading home. NOT!!!! I drive round in to the work carpark to find my VERY drunk boss in his brand new ute with a dunger of an old Subaru attached to the back trying to drag it round the car park. Many expletives came out of my mouth from this point onwards. Got him out of the car and moved the ute, kept the keys. Left the subaru in the middle of the car park, there was no moving this thing - they had cut holes in the roof with a circular saw, broken every light and then every window by putting fists through them, tyres were flat if they were even present on the car, and basically it was a wreck. My brother-in-law had trickled blood all over the car park, all through the office through the kitchen and bathroom, it was all over his shirt which was ripped as well, basically he was a mess. I locked up the office, told the other guys to get lost and tried to take him home. Nup, wouldn't get in the car. So I rang my sister-in-law. She didn't really care as she had 3 kids at home including a baby, and if he wrote himself off then too bad. Brother-in-law decides he wants to go in to town to go to the pub, which I really didn't think was a good idea, but I couldn't get him home so thought fine! Rang his father and his cousin who live down the road, and cousin jimmy goes along to keep an eye on him. By the way, I didn't get anything to eat or drink as there was nothing left except vomit all through the office. So I go home, and getting ready for bed as it's late by this stage, and brother-in-law rings me again! All the other guys have left me stranded at the pub, I want to go home can you come and get me? OK, fine. Go to the pub he says he's at, not there, he's at the one over the road. Walk in, there's all the guys, and cousin Jimmy. So I check in with Jimmy, but BIL tells me to sit down, have a drink and something to eat...NUP! I'm going home BYE BYE> Then he decides he will go home of I take him. If it ends my night, fine I'll take him home. Walking out to the car and he tells me how lovely I am. On the way home in the car he tells me how much he loves me and he wishes he had met me before he met my sister in law. From the car to the door, he gropes me in a few places. I gladly pass him off to my sister in law and go home for some well deserved rest. But guess what? No, he has never really apologized for his behavior, I had to organize for the removal of the Subaru, i also had to clean up all the blood, vomit and broken glass all over the premises, I never got anything to eat OR the one drink I was supposed to have! NEVER WORK FOR FAMILY!!!!!
  20. Well, it looks like I might be traveling up with a few others, but it will be a day trip on the Sunday unless God grants me a miracle and I get staff to run my store at weekends! :roll: Any other Wellingtonians looking at traveling up? We could start a convoy! Any others wanting to share the luv? (and the petrol costs?! :lol: ) I've heard I need to invest in a good set of fishing waders and some good rubber wet suit pants!
  21. Does anyone know of a way I can weight down Glosso? I bought some from...somewhere, and I want to plant it, but so far I haven't had much luck weighting it down. I used a rock/pebble, but it didn't really work. What I want or need is something I can make U shaped pins out of to poke it in to the gravel so it can get established. Anyone have any bright ideas? Being an ex florist I have wire here, but it will rust. If someone can give me some idea of something else I can use that is similar, that would be great!
  22. I'm keen on going, but it may have to be a day trip for me and a few others - work and all that - but sounds like it could be great fun! Anyone else from Welly way thinking of going?
  23. would they need peat in the water or some kind of container with peat for the breeding, or will they just drop eggs to the bare bottom of the tank? Maybe a spawning mop or 3?
  24. I've been in love with this fish from when i started fish keeping, but due to them being so rare I have been too nervous to get them - the shame if they died would be too much for me to bare! Would they survive in an outdoor tank during Summer? For example a 4 foot tank, maybe half full, with water lillies or something similar in so they can be semi-submerged and have leaves growing out of the water like in the first picture? Do you do any water changes or do you allow for rain water to top up anything that evaporates? Ok with no proper filtration as well?
  25. That's so cool! I got some, 3 females and one male, but all the females dies off and I have a solo male left in a tank. if I were rich enough I'd set up another tank and try to breed them in it (once I got more females) but the hubby and power bill dictate I have to get rid of other fish first! Oh to have more money.....
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