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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Yup. There will be some differences in water levels of course due to limitations of flow rates but close enough.
  2. If you really want to do it properly and have the funds I'd say getting a good evacuated tube solar water heating setup would work best. Coiled alkathene in the sun though should be relatively cheap and good for a couple degrees above ambient.
  3. No, it siphons out of the main tank into the hob. As long as the main tank water level is higher than the hob the water will siphon out.
  4. Must be nice being on the same shifts for more than a week at a time. My last two weeks was six 12 hour nighshifts(7pm-7am) a day off then six 12 hour dayshifts. This pay should be nice though...
  5. That particular one I've done. It also becomes quite obvious that I apparently have an unconcious habit of rubbing under my nose...
  6. It's easy you wimpy little girly man! Just stay busy.
  7. Eating them was the plan...There's a reason hot chillies are called W.A.Ds If you throw chillies in a blender don't immediately pull the lid off and sniff it. Been there...
  8. Easier to remove extra bulbs than to add additional ones.
  9. I imagine the cool/warm/daylight/white is completely unstandardised. You can even get differences between bulbs of the same kelvin due to the different spectrum.
  10. Cool white is usually around 6500k.
  11. Highest wattage you can get. Though, the 100ish watt ones would probably be overkill. They aren't cool light or warm light, they're cool white and warm white. Cool white looks best unless you get the really cheap ones with horrible color rendering. Had one in my bathroom for a little while. Was kinda cool, made it look like something out of a horror movie, all washed out...
  12. You know they have things called contraceptives, right? :lol:
  13. Whenever I hear "Chocolate lab" I always imagine some fat little tweaker(Possibly an oompa loompa) in his basement surrounded by beakers and bunsen burners mixing up candy bars.
  14. So, basically the tosser block layer used cement in your concrete? Most cement is produced using lime. Without cement your concrete is just a pile of gravel and sand. Have you checked the PH? A big water change should help if the concrete is raising the PH.
  15. How much bigger than 3 meters do you want??
  16. Yeah, but they have a whole other name for people from Rotorua...
  17. Wired in series? No, not unless you have 750-1000 volts to power it. In parallel yes, easily.
  18. Ira

    Solar Power

    There's a reason they call solar/wind etc power alternative power. If it was cheaper, simpler and more reliable than mains power it would not be alternative. Have you looked at the cost of solar panels? How many you'll need will of course depend on the size of your tank. iirc my fairly basic, relatively small reef averaged around 300-400 watts over a day. Peaking somewhere around 1200 if we count the heaters. You'd need enough panels to run the tank, plus charge batteries to last you over night. Plus you'd need enough capacity to do that on cloudy days. So you'd probably need somewhere in the region of 3000 watts worth of panels which is...Ahh...About $15,000 from the looks of it. Batteries, controllers, installation etc would be probably be that much on top of it.
  19. Ira

    Solar Power

    In which case why don't you just use the large storage batteries as a ups and save the cost of the solar/wind power.
  20. Ira

    Solar Power

    I think the odds of a power cut occuring are significantly lower than the odds of a night occuring.
  21. You'd be amazed and horrified at the things that amuse me.
  22. Well first you get a boy fish and a girl fish that really like each other and are closely related species. Let them have some time together in private, maybe a bit of music, something to drink... Wait, your parents should be the one explaining this to you, not me.
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