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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ira

    Tetra ID

    They're one of the most beautiful tetras though, when they're displaying.
  2. Yeah, should be. The hose should be low pressure.
  3. Are you stopping showering before getting out? Mine doesn't get wet underneath and is dry again in a few hours usually.
  4. I remember someone that used a sodastream saying theirs ran out every week or two.
  5. I'm not sure what you mean by "Safe". I've had in my pond, Duckweed, riccia, cabomba, ambulia, indian fern and crypt. pontiderifolia (Or something like that)
  6. Why pick up the bathmat and put it back down every time?
  7. There are 10 types of people in the world...
  8. I'd suggest your best treatment option to be a good scrub and then a liberal coating of apathy.
  9. No, don't get a filter, get a powerhead. Petplanet.co.nz has Seios for a good price and my couple have been pretty good. A pair of M1100s would be $120 and give you a total of 8800 lph.
  10. Phosphates at that level are not harmful to fish. They can be MUCH higher before they care. Other than it encouraging algae growth, in FW you can basically ignore it. I'd suggest testing your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. THOSE are the ones you need to pay attention to. Especially in such a small tank.
  11. As long as the current isn't hitting the surface it won't create waves on the surface. But...Why would you not want to create waves on the surface? Also, I don't think a wavemaker is really necessary compared to just a simple powerhead. Most FW fish come from rivers where they have continuous currents, not varying.
  12. round up to 20K/pic and every 2 minutes would be about 446megs/month. Hardly enough to worry about.
  13. Ira


    Corn syrup is generally claimed to be more unhealthy than plain sugar. And brown sugar is essentially sugar before the molasses is removed from it. Many are just sugar with molasses added to it. So, similar unhealthyness. Gimme some sugar, baby... :lol:
  14. Sucks to be you. PSU blow up or cap on the MB?
  15. Ira


    No, it would be income as it is payment for services.
  16. Ira


    Probably not so much given that the 1st, 3rd and 6th ingredients are sugar and the 4th ingredient is fat. The rest are harmless though...
  17. No, that's tempered glass. Which is stronger and harder than non tempered but shatters into small harmless pieces rather than giant, sharp dismembering blades.
  18. Ira


    Yeah, I'm pretty sick of the idioticly spelled posts too. But they're just getting worse and more common.
  19. Ira


    Are you just posting random crap trying to get your post count up? At least try spelling above a kindergarten level. :lol:
  20. Why not just post the suggestions? It's not classified information, is it?
  21. Many have a strainer or coarse sponge filter. But it's not meant for anything more than making sure it doesn't suck in sticks.
  22. Pumps pump, filters filter, pumps don't filter.
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