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Everything posted by kd123

  1. Dwarf gourami with fungal infection around mouth and breathing heavily at surface. All other fish are fine! Online sites suggest melafix. Cant get any until tomorrow now....Is that ok to put in the main tank? or do i need to hospitalize him?
  2. kd123

    Leaking tank

    It certainly isnt dead straight. It has been nipped. I will just make it the top edge as it will be hidden by the hood.
  3. kd123

    Leaking tank

    Is it normal for the bottom edge of one of the sides to be very rough? All the other edges are relatively smooth. It is pretty near impossible to remove all the little bits of silicone. I wonder if this is the side which had the leaks. Do I need to do anything about this? Would it be worth getting another piece cut to replace this side?
  4. kd123

    Leaking tank

    Thanks ...this is the image that i had come to.... but what is a fillet?
  5. kd123

    Leaking tank

    Well it has broken down ok. Much easier than I was expecting. Kinda scary having a tank full of water and then half an hour later just 5 flat seperate pieces. I will clean it up today. Question.... When reassembling the tank, is there a right way to go about it? I know what I would do if I were building something out of wood but something tells me that I would do this differently. I am assuming that it needs to be done with no interruptions and quite quickly....
  6. kd123

    Leaking tank

    once i have taken out the new silicone replacement seal, do i begin with the filler seal around the bottom or do i take the front or back side off first....does it matter? I gather i may need corner clamps to hold the sides together when I am rebuilding it? Do I rebuild it by putting front and side and the back and other side together and then connecting them all together and then placing the bottom on last? Alan I may take you up on your offer of advice. Just trying to see what time I am going to have over the coming weeks. I am in spreydon. But i do need to upgrade one of my tanks very soon. Cheers
  7. kd123

    Leaking tank

    Yes rebuilding sounds right but i am just interested to see whether what i have done was any good...
  8. kd123

    Leaking tank

    Thanks for the offer....want to see whether the resealing I have done has worked :oops: just waiting for it to cure. Then i will make a decision on whether I take it all apart
  9. kd123

    Leaking tank

    What stopped me from going the extra step was talk (on internet sites) about needing to 'grind the edges of the glass once it was taken apart and also the difficulty in reassembling
  10. kd123

    Leaking tank

    Does it cost much to have them broken down and rebuilt....in comparison to just buying a new one that is?
  11. kd123

    Leaking tank

    I'm aware of that.... sorry dont have the tools or time to pull it apart and rebuild. If the resealing doesn't work i will probably scrape it....
  12. kd123

    Leaking tank

    Thanks for the advice. I had gone out and bought the silicone etc so have done the resealing....and will check it over 48 hours ...otherwise it may just go off to the dump...
  13. kd123

    Leaking tank

    I just brought a second hand tank home to find that it leaks in one of the bottom corners. Should i get it resealed professionally or is it simple enough to seal it myself? If I am able to do it myself do I need to take the old sealer out before resealing? It is about 100lts
  14. ramshorn on trademe and apples at animates
  15. I am in Chch. Does anyone know whether all Sagittaria varieties are banned as pests in NZ. I am wanting to procure a small amount of the brown leaved submersible variety.... I have seen it in a LFS but they didnt have any for sale. If these are banned plants does anyone have any other suggestions....I would like a floating leaf and white flowers. The pond size is 1200mm diameter. Where to get the plants would be great as well....
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