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Everything posted by livingart

  1. looking at the cere that is a possibility it is hard to pick on pieds with a lot of white around head area as some males in that colour line never develop a blue cere when young it had a pink cere which is an indication of a male and a more outgoing personality than the rest females talk as well just not as much as males, time will tell
  2. thanks fruju got caught with my pants down :oops: too much work not enough workers it is all spotless now tanks take up 2 hours a day and during the holidays it is hard to find 2 hours
  3. the crusts off your toast, sweetcorn, a little broccoli, silverbeet, grass seed heads willow, fruit tree branches to chew on, rose buds, apple cores keep on offering bits as there preference can change as the get older
  4. tweetie is no more he's fallen to the paw gone down that maw and sylvester does gnaw tis a tale of gore that hurt me to the core he used to be to the fore now remembered in folklore from the days of yore
  5. positive ID of silvestris catus can be confirmed by the teeth having remnants of yellow feathers in them, they also emit bubbles that when they reach the surface and pop the words "suffering soccatash" can be heard
  6. i agree the ID is questionable but who can be really be 100% positive from a photo i agree it does look like a koi tortoiseshell but i think sending a piece of the tail away for analysis is the only way to be completely sure
  7. they sometimes walk a long way overland in the dry season looking for a new waterhole
  8. you know your water ph is really out of whack when the fish try to leave the tank
  9. i use a whitebait net PM your adress and i will try and send you some
  10. jerry springer is better they have pictures, we have just got words
  11. yea probably, varanophile is in aus and posts occasionally he might be able to point you in the right direction
  12. not really the sort of thing to be wanting on a public forum snakes are illegal to own in nz an unwanted organism
  13. very good refers to 67 babies raised out of 68 eggs, a good strike rate if you read the previous posts as far as i am aware no snakes in nz, though there are always rumours
  14. yes some tobacconists stock it, probably hard to come by nowadays tried it once never again
  15. a public forum is not the place to discuss our personal differences, it is supposed to be all about the hobby
  16. don't be upset if you lose them as they are hard to raise the first couple of times i tried i lost them all it was some steep learning curves in those days in the wild 3% of a spawning is lucky to survive 48hrs and 1 or 2 to get to adulthood
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