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Everything posted by livingart

  1. it becomes a feeding frenzy when you have 5
  2. i run bare bottom for the aros in the big tank but substrate for the birchir tank, fine black and white river gravel matches the ornates colour if aros try to take food off the bottom they end up with a mouthful they are pretty good at seiving it out but i don't want to take a chance good shot of you holding the tank cricketman
  3. i keep one eye on each of them and an open mind
  4. well done DJ you have just increased all our knowledge base
  5. maybe swim bladder problem or intestinal http://aquarium.ucsd.edu/Education/Lear ... f/body.swf if swim bladder it can be emptied by inserting a hypodermic needle just below the lateral line and letting the gas out
  6. haven't seen that before, so can;t offer any help sorry i have emptied a male with dead, decomposing babies before but the pouch was swollen not up into chest maybe try the evac technique but tip him updide down to see if it is air higher op
  7. i would say get a duck, but they don't really eat it much 8) netting is the answer
  8. as morcs has said disease in one disease in all of them also same temp and water parameters in each tank sump could be plastic bins stacked on top of each other, wet dry arrangement large pond master pump then pipe out split into four with ball valve on each line to regulate flow back to tanks safest way would be to drill overflow in each tank
  9. same as a dog, maybe smarter do anything for food so reward system works well
  10. you may need to empty his pouch of air i use a darning needle with a blunt end or tweezers with a blunt end keep the horse under water holding the horse in one hand with my thumb and index finger either side of his pouch gently insert the needle or tweezers into the join at the top of the pouch don't insert too far, gently open the pouch while applying light pressure to squeeze the pouch you should see air bubbles rise from the opening let it go and observe how it swims you may need to repeat procedure one of the reasons i use a deeper tank is to avoid the males when mating injesting air into the pouch as they hit the surface also some can trap air when when sitting in an air stone stream
  11. smallesy i have seen in the galv is 12mm square through wrightsons or RD1
  12. how much do you need? scored some really fine stainless the other day may be too small mesh size though
  13. :oops: he was posting maniacally on the forums and leave my grandma out of it!
  14. maniacally. A, adverb. 1, maniacally. Behaving in a maniacal manner; "he was post maniacally on the forum"
  15. Maniacal: adjective. Date: 1526. 1 : affected with or suggestive of madness
  16. the amount of time you give your new fish to adjust to their new water conditions can be the difference between whitespot or no whiespot so not necessarily the shops fault have you checked the fish still instore to see if they have it also?
  17. livingart


    Hi spaceman welcome to the forums enjoy your stay
  18. that is a possibility Caryl it may also be hormonal or the fact that there are no ladies around as well and he doesn't want to breed
  19. your horses will do it again a taller tank will help it took me 3 goes to start getting some through good to seen you are keen to try again perseverance will win the day some good reading here at seahorse.org http://www.seahorse.org/library/article ... Farm.shtml
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