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Everything posted by livingart

  1. no they will do it when they want to, so no force is required forcing them into brumation or stopping them going into it will cause stress let them do what comes naturally scientists find things that defy basic rules Parthenogenesis
  2. the ability of an organism to change its phenotype in response to changes in the environment recent study has shown that some skinks have gone from egg layer to live bearer in one generation due to colder weather
  3. it doesn't get enough crickets it is a rare specimen it used to be an iguana so suffers from being a bi-polar reptile
  4. what shall i feed them? bits of mussel, prawn, fish etc will 4 hermits and 3 starfish be fine without skimmer/filter? yes so long as you don't have uneaten food in tank and do water changes only a low bio load fauna wise thanks heaps!!!
  5. which questions good link here for identifying local marine species http://www.reefkeepers.co.nz/forum/forum/viewforum.php?f=46
  6. ideally temps under 16c are best but up to 21c for short periods can work
  7. and release the pipes :sage:
  8. if you can do weekly changes of up to 50% water and keep your bioload down skimmer not needed
  9. never to be talked to again Hi, i am setting up a Local marine tank...thanks about 60L I am a bit off a n00b when it comes to marine, i have got a few questions... 1) I live on the beach and have access to clean water...may i use this? yes 2) I have got some coral from my old cichlid tank already dry,How long and how shall I cycle it with NSW ? yes 3) Would it be better to go tropical marine instead of local? Pros Cons? need a chiller in summer for local 4) I read on a topic that i might not need a filter,i can clean the tank very regulary,do i need a filter or no ? sump is best and weekly water changes
  10. Their bodies have evolved that way for hundreds of years in order to survive, while a shortage of food, less sunlight and colder Temps can trigger them to Brumate it also allows their bodies to have a rest period, this will produce higher hormone levels and a higher sperm count in the males for the breeding season. long sleep equals randy reptiles
  11. LIVE AND STATIC NATURE DISPLAYS have a gorilla, tiger, bear skull as well
  12. have a taxidermied kingfish i need picking up and bringing down so i can stick it on my wall :nfs:
  13. yes puke, feed catfood and warm water, bit of greens keep warm
  14. one of the greatest sources of worry is when, for one reason or another, your Reptiles refuse to eat for long periods of time, or become inactive and lethargic. Don’t panic when this happens with no warning, if your temperatures are adequate, the diet is right and you have proper UVB lighting this may be your animal going into Brumation. Brumation is essentially the reptile equivalent of hibernation in mammals, with a few important differences. Mammals, hibernate during the winter months, when food is scarce and its cold, , reptiles, However will Brumate for reasons other than lack of food, or cold temperatures and may Brumate at any time of the year. Their bodies have evolved that way for hundreds of years in order to survive, while a shortage of food, less sunlight and colder Temps can trigger them to Brumate it also allows their bodies to have a rest period, this can produce higher hormone levels and a higher sperm count in the males for the next breeding season. Some early hatchings may Brumate in their first year others may not, Once they become adults, however, many of them do brumate every year regardless of the weather conditions outside or temperature inside, and no matter what you try you won’t stop them. In fact you can damage them by trying to force feed them during this period as any undigested food may rot in their stomachs as their system shuts down. Reptiles have evolved with the ability to slow their metabolism down which enables them to eat nothing for long periods of time. Moisture is the main requirement during Brumation as in the wild they bury themselves in soil to keep from freezing, they have the ability to draw in moisture from the soil, through their vent, keeping them hydrated.
  15. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=52344&start=105
  16. repto was just saying i should tell it straight not pussy foot around . is not a true statement some opinions are based on years of experience
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