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Everything posted by HaNs

  1. Mr pleco how are they coming along?
  2. I would but my native tank is not ready and i dont know where to get a short finned eel from. I think it would be better to either destroy these Anguilla eels or get some one to look after them that knows what the really are and that if released could have serious implications. What did the shop say now that they have been identified?
  3. Dam i want some! I hope they have some left. I they do i will get dad to fly back on monday with them!
  4. And i was think of spending $150+ just on fish lol Gutted...no more fishys for me this week
  5. HaNs

    Going BIG

    What about doing the tank on all sides with metal between panels like this tank but in a smaller scale http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forum ... php?t=8952 You could use stainless and it would look good or even get it powder coated! The smaller panels of glass would solve strength issues and bring down the cost
  6. I cant find a pic of a Glass Kuhli Does any one have some pics? Just out of interest whats a Glass Kuhli worth and what is the going rate for striped?
  7. HaNs

    Fluval FX5

    No the stainless threads on the nut and bolt are crap. I have just changed them for quality parts. Just cut the bolt and get a new bolt and nut from the marine shop. Hollywoods have replaced 2 (rrp of $14) but i cant be bothered ringing them again as its a hassle
  8. At the front of the address put or just highlight the address and click the Img button
  9. HaNs

    Fluval FX5

    I have broken 4 lid fastener's If they are $380 now im gutted as i paid $480 i think
  10. Get a Datnoid. They are so cool! If i was you i wouldn't get a pleco as they shit all over the place. You could have some nice plants in your tank if you didnt have a pleco. I have a few Hoplo cats to clean up the left overs
  11. They now have a tablet :lol: Cheers for the help!
  12. I dont have any turtle blocks. Is there any thing else i can put in there? Ie food wise. Can i chuck a calcium tablet in? lol
  13. Well a i did a 25ish% water change with the hose here in Taupo. My tank is 270L. My fish seam fine so far. Temp dropped from 25 down to 20 and now is at 21 yay
  14. All my rams horns snails have this whiteness on their shells. It almost like something is eating the shells as they are pitted. They are in a 20c tank insulated on all 4 side with natural light coming in the top. They are the only animal in the tank Any ideas?
  15. Just grab some pipe from your local plastic shop that fits over the tap Or just chuck the hose in the tank from the outside. The 2nd one is what ill be doing
  16. Keeper??? :-? Im building a new hoods for my new tanks. I will have holes in the back of the stand to let the hot air out and the ballast will be above the lights in a false floor type thingee
  17. These are the ones i got. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... =104657203 Just keep an eye on trademe I have been told that i should aim for 1 watt per L for good plant groth The guy at the pet shop here runs 3w per L You could use 2 bulb's to spread the light around. You may be lucky to get away with one if your tank is short...but im not 100% sure on this.
  18. Also what your budget? I have just picked up a few metal halide fitting for $25 each. 150 watt bulbs will cost $60 a pop but my wattage will be up there for plant groth, tank will look good and i wont have tubes in my way. Just another option
  19. If you want to spend more do it. Im leaving this thread as it not about how much money it can be done for. It just stupid and immature firing back at each other over this. Out
  20. Im going to give it a go this week and will report back
  21. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Ou ... 459278.htm -5000l per hour -maximum head height 3.50m Spend the money where you like :roll:
  22. I have tigers....thousands of them...millet:if you need some we can sort something out
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