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Everything posted by cichlid7

  1. i use these they are very good http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 140947.htm
  2. Yea i did that on 2 walls so 1 wall has 9metres of tanks and the other has 6 metres of tanks and then the other 2 walls i've got my planted tank (5FT) and oppisite that ive got my fry tanks under the window. My mum was happy that she got a spare bedroom at last and then i had a great idea lol Make sure you keep the curtains closed during the day and then open them abit a night to get less condensation. also keep the door and window closed to keep the power bill down
  3. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 80.htm?p=1
  4. mine also love the JBL Novo Pleco Chips
  5. when do you normally feed them 3 will be fine (i think) they just won't be as hungry lol
  6. when ever i feed my fish bloodworms my clowns always get most of it even if the other fish notice it first the clowns will steal it. just try it tonight and watch what happens
  7. just drop it in frozen all you fish will eat it the clown loaches will swim to the top and eat it
  8. don't forget water changes
  9. if you have got scratches on the inside of an acrylic tank is it still safe to use brasso and then how would you go about putting fish in it??
  10. it's for sale look on trade me
  11. he is still fat what should i do??
  12. Wouldn't it leak all the time plus if you opened the door you would get a very wet floor :lol:
  13. do you have a photobucket account if not create one http://www.photobucket.com then upload a photo into the my Album then look under the photo and you will see this IMG Code Click on it then just paste it on here it will work have a try Hope that makes sence
  14. do you feed your fish frozen bloodworms
  15. While they are still laying the eggs
  16. My angels are laying eggs in my community tank and they are trying to kill my other fish what should i do.
  17. I think i used bedding sand got it from crusaders on parkhouse road by the dump 35kg bag $5 i used 3 bags for my 1500 x 500mm tank 80-100mm thick. I thought it was real cheap
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