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Everything posted by Milet

  1. Hey just wondering if a 15cm and a 20cm Pleco will be okay together in a 250L tank?
  2. A family friend kept her electric yellow in with her community tank for bout a year and now i have it with my angels, severums and gouramis and its fine
  3. Milet

    heater size

    ohhhok, well i spose thats not bad, but i just bought two 300W masterpets yesterday, :oops:
  4. Milet

    heater size

    Hey spidersweb, whats bad about the masterpets?
  5. Milet

    heater size

    The general guide I use for choosing the appropriate heater for my aquarium is to have 1.5 watts for every litre of water i.e. for a 100 litre tank you need a 150 watt heater. I too am not sure about the brand name you are talking about, but IMO put a 300w at each end of your tank maybe
  6. Milet

    Keeping NZ Fish?

    Thats really kool lionofzion, What equipment are u running in ur tank? Eg, filter or skimmer, and do you have a chiller?
  7. Milet

    Keeping NZ Fish?

    Tuatua has a daily limit of 150 per person. And no minimum size just like cockles kina and mussels
  8. My current 150L tank which is full of rocks is on a Shelf turned up on its side and has been on it for a long long time. i was wondering if my new 250L tank will be okay on a similar thing, the wood is about 3cm thick and has quite a bit of support through the whole base and is secured to the wall. What you think?
  9. Milet

    Keeping NZ Fish?

    Pretty sure tuatua arent restricted. Well we get them for bait when we go fishing and just a limit on them but its heaps. What do you think about putting a light on the tank?
  10. Milet

    Keeping NZ Fish?

    And should i have a light on it for half a day (but include alot of shaded areas) ??
  11. Milet

    Keeping NZ Fish?

    Went to organism today and talked to the guy there, he use to have a coldwater marine too. Ive got it all pretty much sorted out now, just gotta choose wich tank i wanna use. Gonna start out with a Filter then maybe upgrade to a skimmer. saw some cheap ones today. Does anyone know if a paddle crab or tuatua will dig into shingle?
  12. Milet

    Keeping NZ Fish?

    Where did ya get your shrimps from? and how? Ive seen them in rockpools at seal colony in kaikoura but they were too fast for me lol. I'm most likely to start off with things from rockpools around Taylors mistake, Some bays in lytleton and akaroa and wherever else i can find good pools. Then once i get time to go to kaikoura i know exactly where im gonna go But yeah, how bout them shrimps caryl?
  13. Milet

    Keeping NZ Fish?

    lol mmm old mussels i guess its time so start researching what little critters i want and got to find a good filter or skimmer. anyone suggest a good (cheapish:P) brand?
  14. Milet

    Keeping NZ Fish?

    K i'm going up to kaikoura in easter to my bach i hope so ill take a look around at all the rock pools One more question. Do the tanks smell? I was thinking bout puting the tank in my lounge since its the coolest room in the house with a Air con.
  15. Milet

    Keeping NZ Fish?

    awesome. I dont think im going to be able to bring home over 200L of saltwater though lol. next smallest tank i got is 150L. and then i think a 30L. agh. Would i be better off with Sand (from sumner) or Shingle (birdlings flat0) ??
  16. Milet

    Keeping NZ Fish?

    How did you get the water in them Caryl? Just bucket the water in and go?
  17. Milet

    Keeping NZ Fish?

    Ohok thanks alan. What did you put in yours? And what beach did ya go to?
  18. Milet

    Keeping NZ Fish?

    Awesome, well im definately going to start it up this weekend. Only prob is, how the heck and i going to get 250L back home 20km from the beach lol. Maybe il have to start out with a 40L tank :-? thanks!
  19. Milet

    Keeping NZ Fish?

    ohok thats kool. and one more question for now, is any sort of filter ok?
  20. Milet

    Keeping NZ Fish?

    im not too sure whether too use my 150L tank or my 250L tank. how often would i need to replace the saltwater? the ocean isnt very close to where i live lol.
  21. Milet

    Keeping NZ Fish?

    Ohok caryl. Do you think the tank would get too warm in a CHCH hosue at this time of year? Or maybe in the garage wich is colder. And if i was too set up this tank, would i have to replace with fresh seawater regularly? And Wat sort of filter would be good for a 250L tank
  22. Milet

    Keeping NZ Fish?

    So you didnt set up your aquarium up with all the gear needed for a marine tank caryl? just a Filter, and all ur stuff from the beach?
  23. Milet

    Keeping NZ Fish?

    Yeah im really keen to start a Tidal pool tank with mostly shelfish, crabs and sprats. Would be really cool. What sort of price am i looking at for the complete setup minus tank?
  24. Milet

    Keeping NZ Fish?

    Ohok, how much would a chiller set me back?
  25. Ohok thanks people, i chucked on a stop valve thingy and ive got heater on the carpet now, if the carpet smells wen its dry, ill give it a shampoo thanks
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