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Everything posted by Milet

  1. oh poops. Dont ya wish ya could train fish? Lol that'd be kool
  2. Random chasing. I reckon he'll be fine in the mean time. ill see how he goes in the next few days ay?
  3. Awww k thanks afrikan. I guess hes going into the net breeder until then ay
  4. Lol i wish i had enough tanks afrikan. Ive been given the bright little dude because he was hassling there fish too. i thought since my fish were same size they would be alright. And my other big tank is taken up by my spawning angels aghhh
  5. oh and afrikan, if i put the guppies in for food, would the electric yellow cichlid stop pestering my other cichlids?
  6. Lol nice afrikan. If theres dead guppies that are not fully consumed, should i take them out or leave them?
  7. oooh lucky oscars get a buffet!!! Cool i might try it out then
  8. I know its mean but... My friend has a few to many guppies and was wondering if i'd take some. In past experiences, my angels and other cichlids enjoyed chasing the guppies until they magicaly disapeard one day.... .... sooo...Would it do any of my fish any harm if they ate these guppies?? would it make them sick or anything? thanks yeah im cruel
  9. Thanks. The Electric Yellow ok with any of my fish?? ie plecos?
  10. haha ohhh right..MY BAD i doubt ill have time to set up the tank in time. how long will it survive in my about-to-be-setup-tank before ammonia and all that stufff takes place? (im not good with that side of fishkeeping)
  11. Lol... Excuse my dumbness, but...what is MTS :oops:
  12. Ok and now im getting 2 green severums as well 8)
  13. think she bought it from up nelson way before she came to chch. Maybe i can set up my spare tank in the next 2 hours :-?
  14. At the moment i have some angelfish, gouramis, surinamensis and a few plecos and a chinese algae eeater. They are all 10cm plus. A family friend has recently bought an electric yellow cichlid without knowing what they are like and its eating all their Tetras and smaller fish. So she is going to give it to me for free this afternoon (she was going to flush it ) Should i put it in a tank with my fish?
  15. I dont have that attachment i might have to ring organisms where i bought it from
  16. i'll answer that question for my brother since it was my gourami. All the fish are about the same size, 10cm plus. ive got the filter set on as low as it can go too but still a bit powerful. Tank is 90cm X 40cm X 40cm. Guess ill have to look for a lid somehow
  17. Hey have pm'd u if you stil have them
  18. Milet

    Pesky Snails

    oooh yeah i completly forgot about them. Thanks
  19. Milet

    Pesky Snails

    They must bonk like bunnies But What fish will Eat up all my Malaysain Trumpet Snails? Well the small ones atleast?
  20. Tried to get a good pic of the eggs, but theres too much weed attached and the lighting is poor by that tank. But looks like they got a few more days before they hatch. Nowhere near as many eggs as usual though, I was a bit slow getting them out of the ttank before the Big axie got to them. Also, some of the little dudes in the eggs are looking a bit deformed :-? most of them clearly look like baby axylotls but theres a few that look 'Different'. Anyone know what caused this?
  21. Cool Thanks heaps amazonian. Haha yeah looking for that special purple one Know of any websites that would help me with breeding these
  22. Hey people sorry if this is a stupid question, but are different Sorts of gouramis able to cross breed? A Mate of mine said they could, but i don't think its true?
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