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Everything posted by snookie

  1. Carinotetraodon lorteti they had one at hollywoods albany a while back ! wish i got him when i was there , alas the next time i went he was gone :-?
  2. Any idea what they are yet ?? :roll:
  3. snookie


    which lfs would that be carla ?
  4. do they have an annoying ad on t.v ??
  5. snookie

    breeding this

    cool i will take 10 ,
  6. snookie

    breeding this

    would it make a good community fish ? would it be ok with neons etc...? 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
  7. if i was to do tangs it would be these
  8. something a bit different http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/bumble ... 17671.html
  9. i have 3 , not agro , but they do eat plants and yes they do grow big 12inch + , mine are only 5 inch (approx)at mo they make nice display fish in large tanks without plants Still may not be though , you will have to wait and see i guess ., you may be surprised
  10. poor butterfly ! :-? shame you cant keep him must be a hard decision . what tank are you keeping?
  11. he/she is a lovley fish bet you got heaps of watchers !
  12. i think tail gets more red (orange) when larger . how bout scissor tails ?
  13. major airation helps too
  14. thanks i saw that , and thats what made me think about it !
  15. are JARDINI ever going to be put on fish lists again ? :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  16. stupid question but ,Is there a reason for the hills ?? :-?
  17. i see pic also yep rainbow shark .
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