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Everything posted by snookie

  1. snookie


    they loose the dots as they grow up .
  2. brichardi? African cichlid needs different water conditions in my opinion 8)
  3. snookie


    hard to resist aye !
  4. G.Gourami with pink spots, tattooed ?? :-? how big was that clown knife ?? nice .
  5. he had it for sale too , he may still have it
  6. snookie


    they will eat plants but they are worth it imo
  7. snookie


    http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/uaru-vt19898.html http://www.uaru-forum.com/ you know you want too
  8. rubbish gold fish , not show quality ,
  9. http://www.pbase.com/pschia/image/30422290 freaky fish !
  10. female has thicker lips , male has lump but only when mature how big is it ? i would say its a she , only my opinion though try internet search giant goramy Osphronemus goramy instead
  11. we all learn from our mistakes ! atleast you know where you went wrong sorry to hear bout your lose any how .
  12. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 627258.htm how does this one work then ? also which would be best :roll:
  13. i was thinking along those lines ! so would it replace the original intake on the filter ?
  14. hi saw this on T.M http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 920902.htm does anyone rate them ? and are they attached to a filter ? are they marine or freshwater ?
  15. heavy breathing isnt good imo :-? , do you have a pic ? what are tank parameters ? temp,ph ,etc..
  16. you are lucky to have a rainbow on prozac ! hope he stays like that sound like your heart is set on kribs , go for it , if it dont work you will know for next time i guess
  17. few honey gouramis would look the part , that rainbow shark is probably going to give you problems eventually , kribs may get agro when loved up also another suggestion more swords but thats only my opinion
  18. i think you have bottom dwellers sorted , you need more midwater action. in my opinion
  19. $505 now !! (must come with the castle !)
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