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Everything posted by snookie

  1. snookie


    the plants will now be fertilizer ! you must of seen lion king ! they are cute they can do what they want !
  2. snookie


    Found out they really do like plants ! life goes on i guess
  3. some good info http://www.aquarticles.com/articles/bre ... obies.html
  4. snookie


    yep they sure stand out
  5. snookie


    bout 30 each but thats lfs prices they have to make profit i guess :-?
  6. snookie


    so the chances of mine of being a pair are slim one can hope i guess :roll: what size tank Alan and do they breed like Discus ?
  7. snookie


    Have they always been on there own ?
  8. snookie


    how big are your adults Alan ??
  9. snookie


    cheers very informative , im glad i got them .
  10. snookie


    I dont usually buy on impulse ! but i had to get these 2 little guys ,they were begging for me to buy them any interesting info i need to know . currently in a planted tank with a young asian knife they still have there baby colours and are about 3cm give or take
  11. snookie

    bargain syno

    http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 788026.htm 8)
  12. Hi i would say no as you have a few bottom dwellers already / rainbows can be quite feisty
  13. thats tiny! 8) (just being smart)
  14. I would say it depends on size of tank ,space,territories etc.. :roll:
  15. Aquarius will not do private sale ,wholesale only so i heard :roll:
  16. http://www.thepufferforum.com/forum/ug. ... reshwater/ list of freshwater puffers
  17. most freshwater puffers would rip other fish to shreds ! :evil: hope that helps . there are quite a few species of freshwater puffer, but are like gold dust in N.Z
  18. snookie

    Cloudy eye

    thanks sharn, it seems to be clearing i think it may of been hurt, when he was netted , im glad its clearing , such a beautiful Barb,
  19. i guess you could boil the media in water ? also sterilise with salt water solution ??
  20. what age do the lose there colour ?
  21. snookie

    algae eater

    http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/large- ... 19722.html :roll:
  22. snookie

    algae eater

    also Florida flagfish( Jordanella floridae) make good algae eaters http://badmanstropicalfish.com/profiles/profile82.html
  23. snookie

    algae eater

    Hill stream loach and CAE also will thrive and be happier if given a strong water flow (reminds them of home) i would ask other peoples opinions on keeping a pleco in cold water :-?
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