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Everything posted by snookie

  1. golden algae eater is a chinese algae eater just a colour variation, Borneo suckers would be the way to go with Danios me thinks ,you could do a nice biotope ,instead of guppies have some white cloud mountain minnows
  2. Do you mean Siamese algae eater ?, Chinese algae eater is a different fish altogether
  3. snookie

    Filter media!

    only time i use carbon is to polish the water from tannins / or removing meds
  4. snookie

    Filter media!

    Why do you need Carbon ?
  5. shame it wouldnt work with a water dragon :-?
  6. tinfoil barbs, cigar sharks, Silver sharks ,Giant Gourami ,oscar ,to name a few how large is knife and eel ,i would keep an eye on things
  7. for a lower temp tank ,borneo suckers make interesting algae eaters
  8. my frog used to go brown when i never had much greenery in his tank ,i guess he is trying to blend with the background
  9. Arowana all those suggestions are going to out grow a 4 foot imo
  10. i think they are albino Senegals ? 8)
  11. neon rainbows would look good 8) http://www.thetropicaltank.co.uk/Fishindx/mel-pcox.htm
  12. current imports are they Red devil or Midas ??? :-?
  13. Rainbow fish 8) , would be good and more clown loaches
  14. put tap on full power ,that should agitate the water enough , what sort of fish do you keep ? are they sensitive to copper ?
  15. vigourus airation disperses chlorine
  16. airate water vigourously ,shouldnt need conditioner , what are your water parameters ?
  17. non cichlid Giant gourami ? :roll:
  18. most fish have personality 8) ,are you talking about owner responsive fish??
  19. dwarf gouramis are questionable :roll:
  20. george and mildred :lol: how english :bounce:
  21. snookie

    new member

    Enjoy ,good luck have fun , welcome
  22. mine are with my blue dempsey 3 inch approx ,know probs so far 8) , thanks for that Afrikan i noticed their are a few different species called 'Chocolates' would you have any pics of your pair ??
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