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Everything posted by snookie

  1. Any good info about them ? and i have Googled , but would like to know other peoples experiences with these guys
  2. lion head colony would look good mate , with african plants etc..
  3. I also have a fire eel and tyre track eel together , but still fairly small 15-20 cm approx , and are happy as no hassels at moment , in 6 foot tank and share same hidey hole 8)
  4. try a water change , is water oxygenated much ?
  5. they look like Endlers live bearers ,But they wouldnt be surely ?? :-?
  6. I have just purchased one , stunning :bounce: , was thinking about it all weekend after seeing him in lfs
  7. i would use marine salt :roll: , and a species only tank works best ,but mollies may be sweet , each gobie needs its own territory , and will not eat flake , pellets Lurves Blood worms , Mysis etc... (frozen or live )
  8. what size snails are you giving him ? ,also could try a ,crab leg ,shrimp trimming teeth should be a last resort
  9. not worth the risk imo loach could also probably choke jardani with its spines ,if it gets eaten
  10. now thats what we are talking about 8)
  11. cons are always happy to breed ,just add water 8)
  12. have you dealt with black widow problem yet ?
  13. the silver sharks will need a larger tank ,and brichardi do not belong in that set up imo
  14. just stick a piece of shrimp , etc on the side of the glass ,
  15. ive seen those brackish fish ,some where else 8) , looking good mate is archer doin his stuff yet ?
  16. Many other fish are in the same situation in there natural habitats ,being over fished , pollution and man made dams etc.., eg.celestial Danios , Red tail sharks , .., thank goodness for captive breeding
  17. thats my point ,red tape gone mad imo :roll:
  18. I just wondered why more havent been imported ,as like i said thousands are bred across Asia . yes i do agree a breeding program here would be great ,but the breeder would also have to deal with certification , chipping etc...
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