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Everything posted by camnbron

  1. camnbron

    Coral pics

    Like the acan, is it fraggable?!?! Havn't seen orange mushrooms before, I have green ones with the same texture as that
  2. Hiya, great to hear you have a larger tank, seems to always happen to us all - I started with a 90L tropical freshwater and now I have a 450L tropical marine reef system. I agree the bits of live rock you have will probably be insufficient for your new tank once you add extra inhabitants. I would suggest getting a few more pieces You could contact someone like this person: Trademe Link Removed!!!!!!!!!! Who is selling a tank that is no longer running as they could have excess coral rock they may be willing to part with. It doesn't have to be live like the ones from my tank as it will be 'seeded' by whats already in your tank.
  3. A useful site to look at is the liveaquaria site as it has recommended tank sizes and requirements. Since the debate was raised, why blue and yellow tangs? Maybe you could look at a yellow eye kole tang or a yellow surgeonfish (mimic tang) as they do not need as large a tank (OK, I'm a little biased as thats what I have). If you are keen to have tangs in that small tank you may be able to do that if you get them small and then sell them after twelve months. Heck, maybe you could do a deal with the LFS to exchange for a smaller tang of the same type as required.
  4. I have purchased 3 discus off bungleb and was very happy. They were very friendly, nice looking fish and he has a nice breeding setup. A++ person to deal with
  5. If you are on the aussie forum they discussed different premade overflows on there. Here is a link: http://www.masa.asn.au/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=180639&highlight= Note:Edited to provide link
  6. Awesome! Great to hear your tank is seahorse setup is running better now. Looking forward to the pictures
  7. Just remember, the #1 reason you are working is to provide you with an income. Sure, you may like the place, people and work you do, thats great and has a part in it but end of the day if you didn't need the money.... There is no harm in looking for a new job, sometimes it can be good to have a change in workplace, it may help you grow and learn new things in your field of work. Guilt? Don't feel guilty man. You have to look after #1.
  8. Hi Wilson, I believe that is called a SSB (Shallow sand bed) which are usually 1-2inches.
  9. Hmm, see thats where I think there is a bit of confusion. Thats why I started a new topic to allow people who have run a Deep Sand Bed an opportunity to share with the rest of us their experiences. Also to ensure Jasmines topic doesn't get hijacked http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/looking-for-tanks-running-deep-sand-beds-vt27070.html
  10. Is anybody on the forum currently running a Deep Sand Bed? or alternately, Has anybody on the forum previously run a deep sand bed? I know alot of people run Bare bottom tanks (myself included), but, I think it would be interesting to hear about alternatives from people who have actually run them? If you could share your experience that would be great Edit: to ensure we are all talking about the same thing a deep sand bed (DSB) is a sandbed of 10cm (4 inches)or more in the bottom of the tank. with a better description here http://www.masa.asn.au/masawiki/index.php?title=DSB
  11. Is this based on experience? here is an article for you to read: http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2003-06/rs/feature/index.php and this is from one of the guys in the Aussie forum that has one The part of his quote that probably links up with what Evil is saying is about the seeding of the live rock - you have to give the benificial critters time to build up. This is where it is hard in NZ, as from what I understand, we cannot import live rock or live sand so rely on other established tanks for the supply of these. Also here is the MASA wikipedia explanation of a DSB: http://www.masa.asn.au/masawiki/index.php?title=DSB
  12. Have you had a proper measure up yet of the height? I think it would be quite neat to have a DSB in there and to have it over 10cms then you would have all sorts of critters living in it. But like I said before, I don't know of anybody with one set-up in NZ.
  13. Drill some holes in it and wack some sinkers into the holes to weigh it down! Seriously though, some wood absorbs water faster than others, are you sure your piece of driftwood will be suitable? It could have been floating in the ocean for years and years
  14. Different colour temperature spectrum. If you are looking at them for your marine reef build they would not be suitable as the colour spectrum range that you should be targetting is between 10000K and 20000K. Emergy saver lamps are not near that.
  15. Just get this basketball player to help you out Sweet as.
  16. Have a look at this 980 marine conversion that RTBS did: http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/ar980-marine-conversion-lots-of-pics-of-the-process-vt18241.html I can't see the pictures so I am not sure if they exist anymore, but no point re-inventing the wheel so I would suggest you contact them if you want to go ahead with your conversion. I am not 100% sure but I think they are in the process of upgrading. No I am sure heres the for sale post: http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/ar980-marine-and-ar620t-for-sale-vp287848.html#287848
  17. Couple of different places that stock plumbing parts: Bunnings have marley and hansen fittings, clear hose and marley pipe RD1 have hansen fittings (for troughs and the like) Mastertrade have marley and hansen fittings and marley pipe Your local plumbing shop would be your best bet - just wander in and tell them what you want, they should have it. We have Shapleys in Whakatane, but you probably have a plumbing world in CHCH or something similar.
  18. I nominate Snookie for president. any seconders??
  19. Ya can't nominate yourself Snookie!!!
  20. I can just imagine what car trips were like: Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? :lol:
  21. [insert spanner Icon here] When looking at dead coral rock that is cycled for your tank there is two different types: Base rock and Live rock. Base rock is dead coral that has been cycled and it white in appearance- it has the bacteria living in it but will have no visible organisms on it. Live rock is dead coral that has been cycled,and has organisms living on and in it. These can be corals, mushrooms, sponges, worms, algae, snails, fish, crabs, etc,. They are commonly referred to as "hitch-hikers" some of them are beneficial and some are not. In New Zealand it is illegal to import Live rock into the country (there was an article recently in the herald about someone doing this), so the live rock that is available comes from other peoples display tanks.
  22. Have a look at this calculator: http://reef.diesyst.com/chemcalc/chemcalc.html (Its in the links to reference sites post) This is what I use for dosing: Epsom Salts for adjusting my magnesium, you can buy it from the chemist in 500Gram containers. Seachem Reef Adv Calcium (Dry) for my Calcium Baking Soda to adjust my Alkalinity. I only adjust one at a time, and mix into my top-up water (I use a Jug-o-meter 1000ml) and adjust my NSW in my 60L barrels for water changes. Since my tank doesn't have a big bioload (8 month old), I don't have to dose much in my top-up.
  23. At the Tasman mill in Kawerau. We do 2 night shifts, have a 24 hour break, 2 day shifts and then have a 3 1/2 day weekend. We also operate with a utility shift, so every 10 weeks I am the spare guy and cover the other 4 sparkies for holidays, sick leave and training. If they don't need covering the spare guy waits at home twiddling their fingers and thumbs!
  24. I'm working the nightshifts. 7PM-7AM both christmas night and boxing night. Then 'cause I'm xtra lucky I get to work new years day night shift and the day after new years day night shift. Yay being a shift worker! I was rostered on to work on 9 of the 11 stats this year, and to make it even more awesome, because of the leap year I get to do 9 of the 11 again in 2008!
  25. camnbron


    I have got 2 of the DSE ones over my tank (4 foot). Initially they were just plonked facing down on the glass braces. But, found that there was a lot of wasted light (upwards and outwards) Since then I have made up some reflectors for them and hung them beside my metal halides. Its heaps better instead of having a beam effect like is shown in slappers two pics, it is more spead and still has the glitter effect also. I will post some pics up once I am off night shifts.
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