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Everything posted by camnbron

  1. As you have probably figured out marine is more expensive. Do a little searching on the saltwater forum, I don't have a marine tank (yet!), but it looks like to have a complete marine reef setup you would have to purchase a skimmer, live rock, metal halide light fitting, wave maker (fancy pump for getting flow in tank), pump from sump, water testing gear, plus all the livestock. This can get expensive and most of the salties on this site seem to say the same thing "don't buy cheap". Not very many people use canister filters on marine tanks - the live rock takes care of the biological filtration and the skimmer takes care of the rest You already have all the physical bits required for a Tropical setup - canister filter, heater & lighting. What you would need to add to get a complete setup assuming you would want to go natural is a layer of plant fertilizer, stones/gravel, piece of bog/drift wood, plants, & fish. You also might need to look at replacing the tubes in you light fitting as it is second hand - recommended to replace each 6 months. Good luck with either way you go, and welcome. Cam
  2. If you are worried about thread tape getting into the lines just use thread paste as an alternate, you should be able to source it from the same place that you buy thread tape. But you should use some sort of sealant at least and then leak test the line
  3. camnbron


    Hey Sephew, Did you have to get the bottle recertified for the change of use from extinguisher to bottle? I like the idea of using a fire extinguisher instead of a CO2 canister from a sodastream machine. Cam
  4. camnbron


    Hello FishTV, Whats up with the fish in the isolation chambers? Is that to protect them from your danio?
  5. Welcome from another Newbie! I agree this site is a wealth of knowledge, its interesting dredging through the forum picking up ideas and seeing that other people make the same blues.
  6. Aha! with that aqua nova tank the filter box is removable. It just sits in the back of the lid unit. There are 2 precut holes in the back of the lid unit so this might suit your needs as you could just remove the filter box and leave the power head out of the tank, then run your tubes out the holes in the back. Cam
  7. Hey there Timtam22, We purchased one of those Aqua nova tanks off Rodders6 a couple of months ago (black). We drove over and picked it up, the only issues we had were: 1. Instructions were similar but not the same as actual 2. Overhead filter media box had a slight pinhole leak caused through the manufacture process (RTV'd it up) We paid the buy now price since, but still a good deal for brand new Lid has 3 powerpoints (UK type) on outside, and 3 25W Fluro's which can be switched off/on individually. Cabinet is constucted of a MDF type material covered in a thin laminate. The pump included is an Aqua Nova 1600L/H powerhead. I replaced half the ceramic noodles as they are small and have smooth surfaces. The Lid is all one unit, this might be something for you to consider if you are putting turtles in it as the access is a little restricted. Hope that helps, Cam
  8. Yup, cheers for that. From what I read in the posts and the newsletter I really missed the boat on the last meeting. Sounds like Peter had an awesome experience, its not everyday somebody comes across new species. We as a species are more likely these days to destroy not discover.
  9. Thanks for the welcome from you all, Its neat looking through the posts and seeing all the wicked tank set-ups. The only problem is now I am liking the idea of salt water tanks!!! No doubt I will be pestering my Fiancee for permission to get another tank in the future! Garanteed to be a goer if there is a clown fish in the mix (thanks finding Nemo!) Aargh the bug! the bug! But I will just keep enjoying the set up we have now and waiting.......
  10. Hi everybody! We got our first freshwater community tank (Aquaone AR-620) a few months ago, that lasted three weeks before I wanted something bigger so got an Aqua nova 240L tank. Both are community tanks. The smaller one currently has our 2 new little discus' (new zealand discus man), and a couple of bottom dwelling scum suckers (plecos) in it. The larger one has 2xgolden rams 2x blue faced apisto's 3xdwarf gurami's 1xmale betta 7x neons 4x harlequins 5x prescillas 1x pleco 1x golden algae eater and an albino catfish I happened to stumble upon this site about a month ago and have been learning heaps from you all. It is beginning to dawn on me that this is not a cheap thing to get into. Fun though!
  11. Hey there ludimac, I inherited my mothers AR620 (about 4 years old) a few months back, and since it had been sitting in the garage doing nothing for a few years she chucked the filter internals out. All I did was locate a pet shop that sold Aqua one gear and got new stuff - Noodles, black sponge, and the charcoal and filter wool cartridge. Just make it the same as your AR980 - no point re-inventing the wheel I reckon. Cam
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