What size is the tank? -4ft tank
What kind of filtering system does it have? -fx5
What is the temperature (have you checked it today?) -25.8
What is the pH of the water? -6
Have you done any other tests on the water? - no other tests
What have the loaches been eating? -shrimp brine,cichlid crumble, jbl
Have you noticed anything unusual about the water recently? Colour? Smell? -all seems good, water change yesterday
Have you been using any medications, anything to adjust pH, get rid of algae etc? -no
How bg are the loaches and how long have you had them? -about 4 inches, had 5 of them for about 3,4 months
Have you introduced any new fish recently or made any other changes?-new fish bout month ago
They stikll not looking good, dont look like they will survive, only 2 out of five of them are sick ???