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Posts posted by Afrikan

  1. We had a pair of rams in our good old bow front about a year ago or so now... they laid eggs, were very relaxed around the egg raising stage but once at fry stage they were continuously on the prowl... over tank mates, unfortunately they bred in a planted tank with a few other tank mates and getting the babies out would have been near impossible.

  2. The buffer recipe is a choice, here in HB the water we have huge problems with in regards to keeping africans really, we have a Ph of 7.5-7.8 and the KH is 3 or lower :-? We have found no amount of coral in the filter, or substrate buffers the water naturally enough and these are in huge Aquis 2400 canisters which huge water flow. This could be the case in other places too around NZ. If you know what you are doing with the buffers, then they are sweet to use. We run coral rubble in the external canisters, lime stone rocks, coral sand or marble chip and this does nothing in naturally buffering the water here.... so next step... buffer recipe, the fish love me for it 8)

  3. It can be a right royal pain in the behind huh... I had that issue last night and I must say the lap top almost went flying at one stage :x Having a hard enough time with the screen after the darn thing dropped off the couch (due to be fixed) however.... site timing out just after I have spent a few minutes adjusting screen so I can use it, is fair infuriating :x :lol:

  4. Awwwwwwww I would much prefer that to be alive :o

    A local butcher here has a heap of different large deer and buffalo etc heads on his wall and I just can't bear to go in there..... Seeing the look in their eyes (even tho they are falseys) just give me such a heavy feeling of dread... beautiful animals who's head so don't belong on the wall :(

  5. Sodium bicarb based buffer is good to use to increase. Well this is what we have used without problems, as long as used correctly 8) We run coral rubble in the canisters, and have marble chip or coral sand substrate in tanks.

    For Africans, they appreciate an Alkalinity of 10-18 KH, GH of 12-20, and a pH of 7.8-8.5....

  6. Ummm to me it doesn't look like white spot.. the odd fish can have white mark type dots in the finnage/tail... Pics aren't the clearest but as far as I can see it isn't white spot... or could be the startings of... is what you see at this stage spreading?

  7. :lol: I could keep most of the cichlids in my 4' and carry out option B in the 5', but that wouldn't have the desired effect on the power bill or water rates!

    :lol: Ok then... hmmm option B then :D Even tho both options are appealing 8)

  8. I would say while the rams are protecting the eggs they should be fine.... if the rams are infact good parents that is 8) It is when the fry are hatched and free swiming that is more of a task for the parents as they are on the move and threadfin rainbows are quick and could take a swipe or two at them....

  9. Neat pics 8) :D Fingers crossed they do something for you real soon 8)

    Yeah ours are nesting big time, Bert the big male shows interest in his lady friend rather often, seems he has a favourite. Have just cleared alot of tank occupants out of the fron tank so they more or less have no interruption now... Pretty sure we have seen a female possibly holding in one of the caves, she looked to be swilling too... and hasn't been out for food.. so who knows, short of pulling the darn tank apart, don't yet know... might have to investigate in a few days time :lol:

    Here is Bert and his fav lady friend.. 8)


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