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Posts posted by Afrikan

  1. :D Well I guess it is a small one considering how big I really do want to go, we are going to be running a chiller unit on the tank 8) Tank is going to be in the lounge so wouldn't get away with keeping a sump outside and we don't have a basement :lol: :lol:
  2. put in plastic plants cabomba etc and he will glue them to himself :D


    And yeah VinsonMassif they are cool, there are just so many critters out there, that are just drool material :lol:

    Can't wait till we have the tank done by the end of the year, it is going to be around 300 litre plus.

  3. Heya guys..

    I was wondering if people could please give me some ideas on a good brand of Chiller Unit... We are setting up a cold water marine towards the end of the year and I don't want to rush into buying just anything....

    I am wanting to purchase a decent chiller unit and was wondering if there are preferences out there in regards to brands etc..

    Some info would be most appreciated.

    Thanks heaps 8)

  4. You got that one right supasi.... :D Greedy and messy critters. We have big filatration on our Oscar tanks... and also good decent water changes they appreciate too.

  5. Here is a new tank mate.. in our cold water marine.. we are setting up a cold water marine, large tank towards the end of the year, so we have a smaller tank running with a few creatures that we have acquired...

    Here is one of them that we acquired.... while out rock pooling.... I reckon he is pretty unusual alright with his camo and all.. :lol: Sorry the pic is a bit blurry, the tank had been stirred up a wee bit, will take some clearer pics today... :D


  6. It is great having warehouse type places like Spotlight etc We have a place here in Hawkes Bay that we get dacron from, far cheaper to buy by the metre... so everyone we know that has canisters, I let know, so much cheaper and you can get different thicknesses etc Way cheaper than bagged filterwool that you buy at LFS.

  7. We had two very large Borneos in 1600 litre tank at hubbys work, in with Oscars, large Silver Dollars etc.. everything was fine and dandy, one of the Borneos was 40cm, huge boy, pretty placid, just a vacuum for food :lol:

    I would say if you have a very good sized tank then I would try it.... Chocolates can be a bit more sensitive in nature tho I have found with bulshy fish.

  8. I don't know what you all see in these fish. IMO theyr'e hideous creatures

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder ;) And what is ones mans trash is another mans treasure...

    Sweety you are a real honey... and those other loaches are just fantastic.. :)

  9. Glad to hear there are positives Bilbo 8) Stoked for you if your eggs go well :D

    I found that breeding Apistogramma sp. nanay/melgar, I kept and bred rather a few batches and they were fair devils.... very nasty at times with spawning and look out anything else or look out male at times, he would turkey off just to keep the peace with her, and she meant business, like come near me and your are dead :-? :roll: :lol:

  10. Here is a quick clip that hubby went out and took... just so you can see the interaction between parents and eggs on the slate... at the end you will see how protective dad is while mum does the majority of the work... :lol: He is on lookout... Sorry about the pump noise in background, our big pump packed it up, so have a replacement running in the shed, and a noisy one at that :-? waiting on arrival of new one.... sooner rather than later I might add.. :-? :lol:


  11. Awww sorry to hear she died Tiden :( , did you manage to keep any of her fry or did you not manage to get any from her?

    Yes they certainly can be a trial and error thing huh... little varments :D

    I remember a nice Moori I had, he was hell on wheels :lol:

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