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Everything posted by Zev

  1. You are going to have to make more of an effort Wok - you only made one meeting last year. We are having a dessert evening later in the year, I can con the kids into cooking something then
  2. 3mm minimum for text near the edges and a 3mm bleed. Trimming is usually rather imprecise as far as business cards go, and is exacerbated when the cards are two sided. And who distorted the logo :evil: I like the idea of using some POTM photos to depict the different types of fish, plants etc.
  3. Arrrggghhhhh.... will you guys stop butchering the BBCode when you quote someone, I am getting tired of fixing it up for you all the time :lol: You need to have it looking like this... You seem to be dropping the first tags... Nice enclosure, BTW Sneaky.
  4. Looks good, Nymox, they are certainly fatties, aren't they! The cat looks awfully like ours...
  5. This month we have a talk on Fish Diseases by Rob Yarrall of the National Aquarium Along with an auction 7.30pm at The National Aquarium of New Zealand Marine Parade Napier
  6. Ahhh, the fish has you well trained then! The Hawke's Bay Aquarium Society is having a meeting this Wednesday at the National Aquarium, 7.30 pm, if you would like to come along I can take the snails for you to pick up.
  7. Mine eats ramshorns and the annoying little flat ones. If you want some let me know, I am sure I can spare you quite a few - have to keep some for Donna's turts when I go down there in a few months though.
  8. I don't think the kittens are the problem, you hid his cane and Vicodin, didn't you?
  9. I think you are going to get thumped next time Caryl sees you!
  10. I like the pantadon... Do do do do doo do do- de doo..... dammit can't get the Jaws theme quite right!
  11. Hmmmm.... don't let Alanmin see the water weasel on number 5!
  12. Yeah with an icing that is 50% cream and 50% dark chocolate - why not?
  13. lol - seems to be a pre teen sensation, my teenage daughters won't even acknowledge that he is a bona fide singer! Miss Eight, on the other hand... :-?
  14. Oooo... poor Deepsound! I will get the recipe off the kids when I get home - it is just an evil (as in easy to make and cook and requiring much skill) microwave cake, the filling is mock cream (butter beaten to death with some water and icing sugar), and I will have to ask what icing they used and what they grated over the top.
  15. Now everyone is going to look them up to see what it is!
  16. http://www.babelgum.com/endoftheline
  17. Well, you won't want to look at this then, Deepsound! Mmmmmmm...... Pity about the mess the kids left in the kitchen after making it :evil:
  18. The funny thing is, neither of them are particularly 'old' either, hate to think what they will be like in forty years
  19. You could try putting wrapping some sponge over the intake, might stop them getting in.
  20. Argh - wrong fish - but starting to get more male normani as well now.
  21. Heh heh heh..... http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/c ... ntent=html
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