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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Thread here about sexing Sparkling Gourami. viewtopic.php?f=14&t=21062 Killie wise, I have: Aphyosemion australae - Choc Australe Pseudepiplatys annulatus - Clown Killie Chromaphyosemion bitaeniatum Nothobranchius guentheri Poropanchax normani - Normans Lampeye and Epiplatys dageti
  2. Mine used to do it all the time, they flare up and stare at eachother with their noses facing slightly down, seems to be males getting territorial - or possessive! Only have one left now, must get him some friends and chuck the dageti out of the tank, I think they eat all of the offspring.
  3. So do we get a pic of said fatty cat?
  4. Without a pic it would be hard to say, but I would hazard a guess that the base colour of the coral is white, and the maroon is the colour of the polyp extensions, when you brush over it the polyps retract and the coral appears white. Someone else may have a better theory or has seen one and may be able to help.
  5. Hi greenlight and welcome to the forums. I have added a link on how to post images at the top of the Welcome section.
  6. Information on how to post images can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2406
  7. You can just wash the wool out instead if changing it all the time, just squeeze it out in the water change bucket provided it hasn't gone so slimy that you cannot get it clean... ahem, speaking from experience here It is possibly best not to clean the noodles and the wool in the same week in case you nuke the bacteria in both, but in saying that, when I do my external Fluvals, I can't be bothered opening them up too often and do rinse both.
  8. Noodles don't 'expire' despite what the tank instructions say, just give them a rinse in tank water (in the bucket when you do a water change) if you notice the flow on the trickle bit is slowing down too much, same with the wool bit - probably more the wool thing getting clogged up more than the noodles. You don't need to wash the noodles every week, this is probably more detrimental to the good bacteria than them getting slightly clogged up. Same with the 90litre and the coarse sponge, but if there is space, you could put some noodles in there as well. Just keep an eye on your stocking levels if you are having trouble as well.
  9. What size tanks are we talking about? Also, what sort of 'media' are you talking about - carbon or noodles? Just trying to get an idea of what sort of tanks you are talking about.
  10. For existing personal members who have ventured into the commercial arena we will now allow an additional commercial account that is restricted to the Commercial Trade & Exchange forum only, they must provide satisfactory evidence that they are a commercial business to the site Administrators. Bans for one of the accounts will apply across all of the users accounts, so that they may not post from the non-banned account. These multiple account users are not permitted to 'converse' with themselves in an effort to promote their own products, and will be warned and consequently banned for such behavior. The dual status of commercial users will be displayed in a custom user profile field that shows under the user's location below their avatar. This will display the registered member name of the commercial user, and vice versa. This is set by the Administrators and is not editable by the user. Single Commercial account holders may post in any forum.
  11. Substrate wise, I use gravel (don't tell anyone - but I get it from the beach, either Whirinaki or behind where we have our meetings). I have been using Dalton's Aquatic mix, but am going off that as it seems to contribute to algae problems a few years down the track. I am going to redo my 400mm cube with JBL Aquabasis Plus and see how that goes - it is currently a green algae wonderland at the moment... I use HOB filters on two of my two footers, they are fine, you can turn the pump speed down on the top, and if you have the water level up so that it is only about 10 - 15mm from the bottom of the waterfall bit, it doesn't seem to create such a current. I have both AquaClear and AquaOne, I prefer the AquaClear as it has a basket thing for the sponge and you can add more biological media (ceramic noodles) to it. The AquaOne has cartridge type filters, I only use the dacron type one, removed the carbon filled one and filled the back cavity of the filter with noodles. I will bring the plants to the AGM, how did you go with the Paradise fish from Woodville?
  12. Whole bunch of them would look stunning in a planted tank with decent lighting!
  13. Yup, you want any Crypts, they do well in cold water, but may not like your UGF - what about some Java fern?
  14. Little blue eyes....
  15. Info on how to post pics can be found here; viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2406 Welcome to the forums.
  16. Zev

    clown help!!

    Do you have anything in the tank that could sting it? Our Sixline ended up with a cloudy eye for a while when it got too close to our anemone.
  17. Looking good Jarren, if you want some moss let me know and I will give you some. When you post your images from Webshots, instead of posting the 100 pixel image, click on the 600 pixel option under where it says Link to this picture, then your images will come out this size: You do not need to add the Img tags to the pasted link either, they will work ok without them.
  18. Reminds me of Gerald Durrell book, where when he was a child they had a large bird of some kind (can't remember what type - twas a long time ago since I read the book) that they had trained so that it had to go to the toilet in it's cage before they would let it out. Consequently Durrell remembers walking past the cage on occasion while the bird was still in there but wanted out, and would be straining itself stupid to go to the toilet, but nothing was happening!
  19. Zev

    Hello All

    Gotta make it harder for the voters every month!
  20. I have tidied this up, keep it family friendly people, or not only will it be locked, it will also disappear.
  21. Zev

    Hello All

    Hmmm... I see some potential entries for the Photo of the Month competition here! Nice pics
  22. Glad to see you are having fun, but did you have to send the cold weather down here while you are enjoying your balmy sunshine? Overnight lows in the minuses in the South Island and not getting much over 15 up here the last two days!
  23. Lori manacures? Nice pics - looks like and inquisitive wee bird.
  24. Photobucket instructions here: viewtopic.php?t=2406
  25. This topic has been split. Comments in regard to importing costs can be posted here: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=38202
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