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Everything posted by antwan

  1. antwan


    I have found that day time is also quite effective for catching shrimp, however, im not sure about night time, is there more at night BlueandKim? there's tonnes of these little guys around sitting on the rocks.
  2. antwan


    pros: easier to plant plants, looks nicer (in my opinion), plants grow better in it, easier for fish to move it (if necessary for breeding) but i guess not in ur guppy tank cons: small, may get sucked up in vac, but i doubt it if it were up to me i'd say go sand, but hey it's your tank
  3. I think that the albino ones are albino versions of the bronze ones, so if you the albino and the bronze are different sex you MAY get a pair, however the peppered will not breed with any of them because it is a different species. Sorry the only way i know how to sex them is by size, female is bigger when at full size.
  4. antwan

    Glass bending

    thanks for that alan, i was thinking of putting another brace in the center of the tank parallel to the other two... or would your way work better? Thanks
  5. antwan

    Glass bending

    So much time put into that tank recently, just to have the damn thing emptied. Thankyou very much blueandkim for your mighty quick response, will have to get onto ringing the lfs tomorrow...
  6. Hi there, Dimensions of tank: 90cm long X 45cm high X 40 deep. I noticed that on my three foot tank that the front pane of glass is bending outwards because of the pressure. There are two top supoports (see picture, coloured grey) and the front glass is obviously pulling against them, but the problem is that they are now only half way along the width of the glass (sorry but it's hard to explain). All i need to know is, is this normal? Or should i empty the tank immediately and ask the lfs to fix it (the tank is only 11months old. Im sorry if this is the wrong place for this post but i didn't know where else to put it. Please help, Thanks.
  7. antwan

    Blue Rams

    Hey there, sorry im not a local however i am breeding them. Female blue rams have a nice red belly. Sorry to disappoint but it sounds like you may have three males
  8. Far out thats 7200 litres. He's such an awesome aquascaper... Would absolutely love to have a tank like that one day
  9. Discusguru i am LOVING those red tomato discus so very nice. How much do u sell those for? Best discus ive seen in a while.
  10. Thats right Loopy, egg yolk can be used but first it must be hard boiled. Secondly you cant just put the yolk in or it will foul the water terribly, it must be strained through very tiny little holes. A handkerchief works wonders for this job. This does foul the water quite bad with whatever the fish dont eat, so make sure you do regular water changes to complement the new diet. Anthony.
  11. Hi there, I was told by my lfs that if only one is kept they get bored and dont do their job anymore. They told me to have three at a minimum and they will be fine. I have two and they do a great job, but not sure how they would do on their own. Thanks, Anthony.
  12. ek69 siamese algae eaters have see-through fins. Chinese algae eaters fins are opaque.
  13. Sorry Rory, I do not know what kind of pleco you have there, but im going to say that i THINK it is a red-spot pleco. Am i right someone? Anyways, bristlenoses will do a great job with the algae in your tank, they are said to do a much better job than plecos. The bristlenose isn't actually a plecostomus, and belongs to the Ancistrus genus. Ancistrus temminckii is the common one we have in NZ.
  14. Hi there Karen, not sure if you know this already or not, but, beef heart is also called Ox heart in supermarkets. Sorry if im just stating the obvious but you never know.
  15. antwan

    Hi to all !

    Welcome aboard peteypleco. Those questions will most definately be answered to the best ability of the members here. They all seem to know so much Good luck to you, sounds like you have a nice setup there.
  16. Hi evilkineaval69. Sounds like a cool tank. Your tank will be fine for those fish. You can get sand from living waters they have a nice sand that i use in my tank, also they have sand enriched with fertilizer which goes underneath the normal sand (otherwise it makes your water go brown). I see you are in a similar area to me. If you like i can give you some little bristlenoses for free. Just PM me and we can work something out. Living waters is just down the road from me so maybe you could make the trip twice as good . Thanks, Anthony.
  17. I would say that the neons were just company. Im no expert but i can tell you that adding extra fish will make the discus more aware of themselves, meaning they will move around a lot more. Hope ive helped. Anthony.
  18. Thanks for that Alan. That's a real shame that i cant go and have a look at Aquascopes fish. I have bought a couple of tanks from there - very nicely done. I didnt know Tauranga had a local club (or is that killies only). Would possibly be keen. Living Waters promised me about $2.50 each for my babies, but when i went there with them all bagged up they gave me only $1 each. Theyre now in ther selling for bout $10!!! so hows that they r going to make 1000% profit. So i told myself i would never sell to fish shops again. When for the same price i can sell to other people and give them a bargain.
  19. Hi there, sorry for being off-topic but, Alan does Aquascope sell fish as well as tanks?? Thanks. And to Sharn. If u want to make some moola get a large breeding pair of bristlenoses, thats what i have and make about $120 a month off selling the babies for $1 each. But if you do, please dont sell them to ur lfs cos then they onsell them for bout $10 each...for a 2cm bristlenose its INSANE! anyways thats just my thoughts...take care Anthony.
  20. I got a new soda stream just the other day. I think somewhere i heard that it wasn't a good idea to put fish tank water into the soda stream (not totally sure though, i would have thought it to be fine). I have put in about 750mL per day since i got it (about three days). I have heard of a lot of people using this with excellent results. Can't wait to see the results in my tank.
  21. Hi there evilknieval69 That sounds like you have a nice setup there for them. However, you will need to have some java moss or netting which the eggs can fall through to prevent the parents from eating them. Hopefully i have helped you... and wish you all the luck for them. Anthony.
  22. Hi all I had some mozzy larvae once which i kept in an orange juice container. I just left them to become mosquito's which i then put in the gap between the lid and the water. Then u get to see the fish jump for them, quite fun to watch really. Just thought id put in my two cents.
  23. antwan


    Hi. I just did the same as JoandWilly, just boiled it in a pot for bout 10 mins or so then scrubbed it off. Easy as.
  24. Hi there. I would be very interested in one of these (perhaps mumsies could get me it for xmas). Just double checking how much it would be and when you can get the next order in? Thankyou.
  25. Wow that sounds cool as. I love amazonian fishies. What kinds are you putting into it? Sounds like a great project and good luck to you.
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