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Everything posted by antwan

  1. here's the link, its the big one at the back that sticks out, on the left. Not sure what the scientific name for it is though, i put one down but im not sure if it's correct. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/antwans-planted-discus-tank-vt11257.html
  2. Just thought I'd share, not sure if this is a flower or a runner coming through (or is it both?). Anyways, as you can see i have circled the flower/runner. This plant is quite mature, and i recently pulled a few of the outer leaves off, if this had anything to do with it or not i don't know but i think it would be quite cool to have a flower sticking out of my tank. Does anybody know what colour these flower? My guess would be white.
  3. antwan

    Fluval FX5

    thatsa one spicy meatball!! Wow! That's a huge filter, think it may JUST provide enough filtration for the 460L :lol: Love to see a few more pics though....as always.
  4. Hello, thought id bring up this old topic. I remember a little while back when i was in the lfs i saw little baby kuhli's in some of the tanks. I asked the owner and they said "some eggs must have got into the filter and spread them throughout the tanks". Just thought id share. P.S these were tiny little ones compared to the ones they were selling and in completely different tanks too, so id say it was a good chance that they bred.
  5. Hey Mat692 As sharn predicted, yes i do have some bristlenoses that are reaching maturity, i have definate males thats for sure, if you're keen just pm me.
  6. antwan

    Help please!!

    in my honest opinion
  7. antwan

    Help please!!

    Constant aeration would be a lot better, perhaps you could stick some plants in there, that would certainly be a lot easier, and your fish would appreciate them too, maybe even enough for them to breed in.
  8. Now i have heard of discus having worms before, im not sure about other fish though. As i was cleaning out my canister filter today, i noticed in my coarse sponge loads of little red (dead) worms, there were also seethrough bodies of them too. I am quite sure they wouldnt be bloodworms that have been sucked into the filter because the fish usually get them all before they even hit the bottom. Anyway these worms are about the colour, shape and size of bloodworms. So im not sure if theyre worms in my tank or fish, however, i must say my discus have been a bit sad recently and 'itching' themselves (they go up to a leaf slowly and then slide their bodies against it quickly). Also, if these are worms in the fish, is there any way i can de-worm fish? Thankyou.
  9. antwan

    Help please!!

    They could be gasping for oxygen, do you have any type of aeration going into the tank? If not, does the surface of the water get stirred at all as to get some O2 dissolved into it?
  10. antwan


    just a thought, you may want to specify what types you are after. unless you want all cichlids of course.
  11. my friend has a golden algae eater (think theyre the same, just different colours) and it was fine with all the other fish for a few months. After that my friend went on holiday for the weekend and came home to one dead female krib, a dead marlboro and one blue turq completely covered in sores, mainly on the face. I prefer the SAEs myself, however tsar, if you get them breeding that would be cool, probably the first person in NZ to do so.
  12. That is a great male, you're going to have some choice babies there, good luck to you with them.
  13. Hello FranAndMark. Ok so out of your list the following can coexist in my opinion: neons kuhli loaches swordtails and definately rams sorry but im not totally sure about the others. I would have thought angels would be alright, but ive heard a lot on this forum that they dont get on well.
  14. white eggs are unfertilised, the dark grey ones are the good, fertilised ones.
  15. that's quite strange because i could see the pics before, and of course i can see them now too. Wonder why that was...
  16. EEP, hiya Aaron, or should i say "Mr McCloy" (hopefully i remembered your last name correctly) you teach at my school, i am also the one who sold u all those bristlenoses , some more on the way now if you're still keen. Yea, welcome to the forums, great place here, i have learnt LOADS, done some awesome deals and have met tonnes of people. P.S. You may see me walking round school with "FISH BOY" on the back of my leavers jersey (oh yes people, im that cool).
  17. WICKED SHARN, good luck with them. Unfortunately none of my family seem interested too. All we have are our friends on FNZAS.
  18. duh, sorry just actually read ur post properly and saw that u got 'em from rexel.
  19. That sounds like its going to be a cool as tank sharn, can't wait for the pics. Dimebag, where did you get your lights from and what size were they? The only proper plant growing ones i can find are for $30 - 40 in the lfs.
  20. Dude that is such an awesome tank, so insanely jealous! Just wondering wat type of plant the spiky stem plant on the right hand side is, i have been looking for some of that for ages. Thanks. Discus look so cool too.
  21. knew that tank looked familiar in the other post, i saw it just a few weeks ago in Auckland, i tried to buy that lotus that was in there
  22. Pond sounds like it will be cool, will we be so lucky as to recieve progress pictures? Yea, i think that bike thing was on today cos on my way from home i drove up to the intersection and had to wait for 5 mins until all the bikers cleared. I definately think you earned your ice cream Caryl
  23. what about a little school of hatchetfish, you never hear much about people having those. They're quite a cool little fish.
  24. Hey, what dimensions and litreage is your tank? You can never go wrong with a pair of dward cichlids e.g blue rams or some apistos maybe. Anyways, hope you find the ideal fish for your tank
  25. The back plant by my guess would be straight val. Same as what i have in my tank, just not as nice looking. Sorry, but wouldnt have a clue what the bottom one is. Wouldn't mind getting my hands on some though.
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