Hi there, I'm lucky and have a window right next to my tanks, so I just use the gravel vac and siphon the water straight out the window. You could try getting a longer tube to stick onto your siphon and push it out the nearest window when doing them? What I found most annoying about water changes was filling the tank back up. All I have is an aging bin in my room with a decent sized pump with hosing attached. I fill the bin up after my water change with the hose (conveniently right outside my window too 8) ), and the bin has its own heater in there. This heats the water overnight, and also the chlorine in the water diffuses into the air, thus leaving the water chlorine free. All I have to do now is empty the tank, then fill it back up again with water at just the right temperature.
If you're having to do lots of water changes, I find this method very easy, and a lot better than lugging buckets (but if you get your kicks out of punishing your kids with this, by all means continue )