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Everything posted by simfish

  1. Sorry Mate........................ there is!
  2. Awesome Apisto, Just Awesome.... many of us are palying around with Aquascaping and therefore it would be great to check out your photo diary of this project with some notes, that if you don't mind sharing your secrets. I want to just achieve the perfect icon in my flounge!
  3. Hi Casey, Nice to meet you...... I just finishing setting up my first tank, and all I can say is be patient with the new tank, don't stock it with more fish to fast, and the more plants the merrier. An aquarium is made up of 2 parts plants and fish..... Zebra danio's are naughty rascals..... O' Yes I thought everyone on this forum was a teenager except me!
  4. now I'm worried, hopefully the 50 kilo's of wood will keep him busy
  5. Thanks guys got myself 3 of Stew's Cockatoo's from Jansens Botany for $24,95 each wich I think is not too bad. They have a few left, but I have the best!
  6. Thanks will do....however who is this? I need a search for this username and came up with nothing.....
  7. It's gonna cost me an arm....... I guess there is no other option, of to Botany Jansens this weekend....
  8. khuli loaches, neon tetra's if I cannot afford the cardinals...
  9. I hope this helps..... http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/my-aqu ... 10102.html
  10. Can anyone tell me a little on this fish based on their personal experience. I would like to put them in my community tank with my baby ble rams, tetra's, bristle, k. loaches and albino cats. Do they always vary in colour and how big do they grow? I have an aquascape setup and therefore would like to know if they chomp on plants...... and finally if they are appropriate, does anyone have some for sale? I have done some research but would prefer having some "FNZAS family advice".... cheers and thanks
  11. Bluetom, Sounds good, I'll foster him for a while, if she manages to develop with the rules of the community, great otherwise I will have to send him back, therefore he would have had a great holiday and made many new friends... LOL!
  12. So guys, I'm sure some of your'll had a look at my tank in the members tank section. I'd like to know if I should stay away from Bristlenose as well for my tank?
  13. One of the chaps at Jansens said bristlenose only grow to a few inches, about 6-8cm.......anything bigger is a pleco like my one which I am donating to the "Bluetom program"....otherwise heel go harvesting in my big tank. He only a few months old and already about 10cm, a mushroom I tell you.....
  14. I would like to know if this is a bristlenose or a Pleco? http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 870287.htm It looked like a Pleco to me, cause I have one and giving it to Blue Tom as he will destroy my Aquascape Setup. I also thought Bristlenoes grow to about 3ish inches. This person speaks about them growing to a foot, which I know Pleco's do...... someone who is authority on this should correct her if she is wrong...... or am I?
  15. I never thought of that, thank you all for your input...... I'll be patient....
  16. Not sure about that as I spent 2 days soaking it in constantly hot water in the bath tub with baking soda, alot o the stuff came out, then I hosed heaps....... tannin is light brown also, isn't it? mmmmm mind boggling!
  17. As some of you guys know I have just setup a new tank (pics in members tanks), to try my hand at aquascaping. I have put fish in the last 2 days. First a couple of neon tetra's, a pair of guppies and a pair of albino catfish. I was was told these guys were not enough to cycle the tank nicely. Then Yesterday I got about 10ish more neon tetra's. I am staying away from the big boys to prevent my plants from swimming to the top. This tank is setup for about 2ish weeks. After the fist week (no fish) I have noted the water going a slight yeloowish green. I though it must be due to the plants, maybe loosing some of their cloroful, i.e. I had some floating on the surface for a couple of days becaus ethey took about 5 days to get to be my "FAST MAIL". So floating these guys caused them I thought to get bleached by the flourescents. I then did a 50% water change. The yellowish/green tint is back. Should I be concerned or just let it cycle. Should I stop putting in fertilizer or stop the C02? Or once the plants get comfortable this would stop. Most of the time the curtains in this room are drawn shut, weekends its open however the only light the tank picks up is indirect. Do I put a blanket over it? Any thought or advice will be appreciated. Please look at the pics of the tank to understand the nature of the setup, thanks! Here's a link: http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/my-aqu ... 10102.html :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
  18. Flying Snow your guess is as good as mine, I wanna keep discus, busy researching it, waht I can tell is I get 2 pieces of advice: - 1. Its not difficult to keep discus. 2. Its difficult to keep discus.
  19. Exactly I Have just finished the initial setup of my Aquacape Community Tank and now trying to figure out how I can justify, save and get a Cichlid setup.....(maybe I can requat something for my birthday mmmmm......)
  20. Hello Flying Snow..... Always exciting getting a new tank going, like a kid in the candy store, I'd say consider maybe live plants and discus as an option....
  21. Thanks guys, I will try copper if the snail thing gets out of hand and maybe in a couple of months a pair or 2 of discus, right now I want to get the greens established, so I will put a couple of guys in to create some ammonia....
  22. So do I just throw a couple of coins into the tank?
  23. They mabe be excited and think its a gardening revolution :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
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