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Everything posted by simfish

  1. I have about 2 to 3 handfuls of the stuff in a stocking in my filter. Must confess its the one from the LFS, was $2.... it did not discolour the water.
  2. Does it contaminate the water, How long once taken out can the fish be put in?
  3. Do Kuhli Loach also eat / suppose to eat snails?
  4. Will love some discus in their, will investigate, thanks! I have notices some really really small snails, red, possibly hitched a ride on the plants, what fish should I get to complement the other future home owners to take care of these buggers so that they don't get out of control, or is their anything else you think which would work here?....Maybe I should call in the mafioso, half a dozen clown loaches?
  5. Thanks alot Aqua, thats exactly it!.....Thanks Cees, will try and get some... BK I am scared to get discus because of their temperature requirements?
  6. I would like to put various schooling fish (approx 10to20 of each e.g cardinals and other tetras) some loaches the ones that look like snakes.. flying foxes.... a couple of plecos..... 2 albino catfish for acrobatics.....and dwarf gourami's and blue rams and maybe a balloon platy or 2
  7. Thanks Brianemone, this means I maybe on the right path.....
  8. For the price and cost I say use T5's , I heard thats what the in thing in europe now...... and they cheap
  9. My 4 foot is like something like the aqua one tanks, i.e. light and filter built into the hood. I have 2 Sun tubes about 900mm. Each tube is 30w, 50Hz, 14000K. I am trying to create a natural aquascape setup. I have undergrqvel heating, CO2, fertilizers etc. However I know my lighting is not correct. MY "K" value is too high and my wattage is too low> I know the ideal "K"value would be around 6500 and the wattage in total should be between 120 to 180 W in total. I am restricted to the tube size and system because all the mechanics com together to fit perfectly. Can I get a single tube which is about 6500k pushing around 60W to 90W bearing in mind tube and fiiting is smaller in dia than a typical flourescent tube you find in your office. Its the width of the ones in a typical petshop, I'd say around 1 inch..... please help as everything else I have sorted but this and it does no seem to be a straight forward thing... :oops: :oops: :oops:
  10. Half way relevant to the water in the middle of the tank with the heaters at each corner.....
  11. I use undergravel heating cables. If you dont use that how would you get upward convection flow of nutrients and heat for plant growth and did you know heating cables have a significant influence on the lack of algae.
  12. My temperature is between 27 and 28 degrees. I am using an electronic thermometre. I had 2 new heaters. One Jebo which disconnected and the other Rena which I have turned down to 24 deg. However the temperature is still up there. Because I have my sand substrate setup as rolling hills some places thinner than others. Could it be too thin in spots i.e. about 2 to 3 cm and therefore getting higher temps. I have been monitoring the Rena and it sits dormant I think. My undergravel system is the JBL Pro Temp Basis 250. any ideas how thich the substrate should be so that it does not affect the temp too much....
  13. Check out waterplantz on trade me that were I got mine from, together with some riccia... I'll pm his email if you want it.....
  14. Thanks guys, what about the first water change in a new tank...... P.S. I dont intend on putting any fish for at least a month, I am try my hand at some aquascaping...
  15. Alan, I did not know the concentration therefore I ordered it from this chap, my wife is a chemistry teacher and she said she'll run a couple tests to check concentration and composition and then I don't ever have to buy like that again...... home brews I guess.... I'm not the chemist. Guys the first photo is a mixture of glosso and ricci, as well as some of the others as well I think...
  16. I have 2 900mm flourescent aquarium tubes built into the hood of my 4 foot tank, I have extensive plants with CO2 (home made and nutrifin), fertilizer substrate, etc. How long daily must I leave the lights on?
  17. I have just ordered package 3 for my aquascape setup from jason @ http://www.nature-aquarium.com/order.htm It was pretty fast and efficient. Delivery was a killer $40, however all up it was $43,75 USD. May seem steep, however "there is enough there to last for 1 year for a 4 foot tank" to quote Jason, compared to buying plant gro or one of the others at $15,00 a pop. Quite excited to have plants looking like the website. Anyway I will keep you guys posted...... cheers!
  18. simfish

    Setup Cost!

    Yeah, I could by the goods and smuggle it into the house and hide it under some old clothes in the cupboard, LOL....... Thanks guys but I will wait and hopefully someday I'll get a 8 foot or bigger and won't have to pay nasty upgrade costs...... cheers!
  19. simfish

    Setup Cost!

    Thank's alot all you guys, since my mrs has read this it is out of the question until my little one goes to school, therefore I have to stick to being a freshie for about 5 years at least! sob, sob!
  20. Thanks for that much appreciated.
  21. Thanks for that with regards to fish however how do your deal with this with regards to aquascaping?
  22. Thanks mate, correct me if I am wrong, all I have to do is do my ph tests and correct the ph with peat as my tank is an aquascape setup and dont get concerned with kh as its built in somewhere there!
  23. simfish

    Setup Cost!

    I am a freshie and some time in the future would love to get a saltie setup, absolutely love them. Can I please know with the smart cost of a setup, i.e. please dont show me something which cost $25 000 like the one in Jansons, it will definately put me of. I know it is more expensive than a fresh water setup but not sure exactly by how much. To date I have had the petshop version which looks bleak for me..... please advice.... cheers! p.s. pics with cost would be great, thanks! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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