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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Congrats to all--- hope to hear from ya all
  2. I would side with fishboi, as you need to cycle the water as well as the filters. Throw in some gunge from one of your better tanks and then you will get all the good and bugs like in real life.
  3. The old standard 24 x 12 tank was a cracker. Held 12 gallons, every inch of water was a gallon and the water weighed 120lbs (makes you feel old don't it)
  4. I had a tank made from 3 doors from a bank (half inch tempered glass) and it weighed a heap. I moved it myself from in a fishhouse along a path and up a drive onto a trailer by myself, then unloaded it at the other end. The person I sold it to needed 6 large men to pick it up. It is not about strength it is about brainpower. I put down polystyrene and walked it on two corners, then moved the poly to the front again. Takes a few minutes but does save the back.
  5. I think they use barley straw for the control of blue green algae.
  6. They are doing the same cleaning that the methylene blue does. The only difference is that methylene blue doesn't get hungry. If you want to watch them raise the young or eat them leave them in there. If you seriously want to raise angels remove them.
  7. Put your new filter in the old tank and stir up as much gunge as you can then put the filter in the new tank with a couple of fish.
  8. Very nice. How big do they grow? We breed red eared sliders and have Japanese fire bellied newts (about 1.5 years old)
  9. When I was breeding angels I used to have 8 pairs on the go at a time, with various gene combinations to try and get the full selection of types available. There are more new types available now that were not around then so I would hate to think how that would work today. I agree with amazonian, you can use mehtylene blue and acraflavine and I have used them with malachite also. Being a simple minded person I like to keep it that way and always start out with the simplest method and get more complicated if I have to. Being on Christchurch artesian water supply I often had good success with water straight from the tap at the right temperature. You need to see what works for you and stick to it. Good luck.
  10. When hatching eggs artificially you may need methylene blue to stop the fungus on infertile eggs spreading to fertile ones but this is because the parents are not there to clean the eggs. If you leave them with the parents you should not need to use it.
  11. It is an example of someone breeding a male to a female without regard to quality and producing a load of rubbish. These wouldbe kull fish to a serious breeder---turtle tucker.
  12. Growing a number of types of plants in one tank is a compromise like keeping different types of fish. Some will do well and others may not. Sometimes you can do what you think are all the right things and the plant still does not like it. I would keep the plants that do well and not worry about those that don't, particularly if you are using flourish. If cabomba is not happy try ambulia.
  13. When rearing young males it is normal to place them so they can see other males without scrapping and that makes them flare there fins and develop good fins. I wouldn't think there would be any problem.
  14. Cabomba is not always an easy plant to grow either.
  15. You realy want daylight tubes. I have also used growlux and soft white combination with success. Lack of light usually makes the leaves go black.With the right light it should come right.
  16. If you are on Christchurch City water supply fill up a tank and wait a couple of days and throw in the fish. They will not be in there long enough to create problems particularly if you don't feed them.
  17. When I was breeding angels I used to keep one pair only in a tank the size of your one. I would stay away from fish that will end up large and stay with smaller fish.
  18. What do you mean by melting? Are they stem plants that are rotting off at the base or are the leaves rotting off?
  19. I have a heavily planted tank with about a dozen male killies as described by the other Alan. Both the killies and I like a heavily planted tank and that way you can have pretty strong light to keep the plant growing well and also give the killies places to shelter from the light (which they are not keen on). Also have siamese algae eaters to control algae and clown loaches to control snails. Everybody is happy and it looks great.
  20. Double that dose aparently is safe for plants and fish. I believe horsey people use it and you can get it on Trademe. You may have to get a chemist to make up a solution you can use.
  21. Ppm is parts per million which is also milligrams per litre. You would probably need to make up a stock solution of say 1% and work it out from there. ONE MILLIGRAM IS NOT ON THE KITCHEN SCALES.
  22. Sounds like it might be anchor worm rather than flukes. One treatment is condys xtals (potassium permangenate) at 2ppm or 2mg/litre. Leave in for several hours then siphon off the bottom to remove any that have let go and gone to the bottom
  23. alanmin4304


    Do you have any French neighbours?
  24. Had an enjoyable time. Good to meet new people and see you guys again.
  25. alanmin4304


    Mother Natures real name is Mrs Google.
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