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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Good pics. I think one of the problems for people is that when buying plant from the shops it is generally grown emersed and they look quite different to the same plant grown submersed. In most of the shops round here if you ask for the identity of a plant you are told the price and that is all they know.
  2. You could relocate the runner in the direction you would prefer it to grow.
  3. Mosquito larvae would be very detrimental to feed live to your discus. Tell me where these ponds are and I will catch the larvae so someone else doesn't make the same mistake. It is of course quite safe to feed to killies. Your discus will love it.
  4. Goldfish carry a lot of flukes which are not normally a problem to them but can be to other fish. You may be introducing diseases you would be better off without. In my view introducing fish slowly always has been and still is the best way to cycle a tank. As you relax and sit and watch your fish you will help to develop patience.
  5. It is not unknown for breeders to sell their breeding stock before they die of old age and replace them with younger, more verile stock (a bit like some humans). Some fish like dwarf guaramis, male fighters etc can be old when imported.
  6. A friend of mine with a number of pet shops used to say: "Perishable goods"
  7. Fish are like us---they can die of the terminal disease called life.
  8. Water changes are a cheaper way to remove phosphate but if growing plants you will need some.
  9. The erythromycin tabs I have are 400mg and I would use 2 of them. Amoxyl can be used at much higher doses than most antibiotics (I used it when importing goldfish) so it should be safe . Antibiotics are usually used on fish at 10ppm. You should make sure you use enough to kill it off or you will be selectively breeding a resistant strain of cyano.
  10. Local Authorities are not normally enthusiastic about zoos in the middle of a residential area either, and you will need approval from the Local Authority before they will issue the licence.
  11. Depending on the depth of water and the type of plant you may be ok with 2 x 3ft tubes (60watts) as you can leave them on longer, or 2x4ft tubes (80watts). You can use daylight (6500k) or grolux in the front and soft white in the back and the growlux will enhance the colours of the fish (particularly red and blue). I use that combination successfully on some tanks to grow plants.
  12. If it originates in limestone country it may be high in Calcium which could be good or bad depending on what type of fish and plants you want to keep.
  13. It is also usually very fine and lands on the plants preventing them from getting light, and looking gungy.
  14. For those not native to this fair land (go the allblacks) kai is the maori word for food.
  15. You are onto it. I have nothing against gays but the don't breed well.
  16. Excess rubbish can lead to excess nutrient and therefore algae or bacteria blooms but is unlikely to kill off bacteria as it is bacteria kai.
  17. You must have all the hormones missing from my albinos. All the ladies have decided to become just good friends. When I set up the tankI built 3 caves into thelandscaping. bought 10 baby albino kribs and they all turned out to be females. Have been adding males as I can get them but all the caves are occupied by pairs of females that are driving off any interested males (and have killed two).
  18. It is all relative. Importers holding fish in Quarantine or breeders raising heaps of young will stock up their tanks extremely heavily and get away with it. They generally have bare or at least unplanted tanks, heavy aeration and very frequent water changes. I raise killies in bare tanks with no filtration or aeration successfully. I don't cycle the tank before puting fish in because there is nothing to cycle, feed very heavily and remove excess food frequently, and do very frequent water changes. When they are about half grown they get moved to a more balanced situation in a lower stocked and heavily planted tank (with low filtration and no aeration). If a bare tank was very heavily stocked I would put a sponge filter in there.
  19. When I am setting up a tank I usually raise the media (sand) towards the back and each side and therefore the lowest area is a small patch in the middle at the front and this is where most of the gunge ends up, so it is easy to remove it during water changes.
  20. You can usually get a permit for 2am.
  21. Poos is good. I hope you don't remove it all then replace it with additives from the shop to make your plants grow. Plants can't grow in pure water. Ijust remove any excess.
  22. You should take the adult fish out as soon as they havefinished laying eggs.
  23. I think it would be relatively inert as it is volcanic glass I think.
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