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Everything posted by AquaNut

  1. foxjxa You may get a little something extra in a box over the next few days :-) Merry Christmas
  2. Hi. Im going to update my Photobucket this Sunday night and list as many killi pics as I can that I have personally taken over the last 3 years. Im also putting up my fishroom photos. Simple and efficent and most importantly, TRANSPORTABLE. Anyone want to buy it? Im taking a break from breeding for a short while in order to tackle new challenges in my life :-) Chat to ya Sunday night no doubt :-) Tim Nuthall
  3. I breed trios in icecrean containers regularly. Ran out of tank space but thats all you need except water and an airstone. Oh and a lid would help of course as most killies are superb jumpers. Tim
  4. Yes he looks older than some. Id put him in an icecream container or small tank and dump half a quarter cup of salt (non iodised ) in it. A drop of meth blue (1 drop per 500ml) and an airstone. Leave him in there for a day and a night and you might see an improvement. Tim
  5. Hi all. Im slowly coming out of hibernation. I guess when the boy goes back to school Im back in full swing. Ive managed to collect masses of eggs over jan though. They are all on peat and it will be a good experiment to see how many hatch. So I picked every day for 25 days from the 2nd. Im going to wait until the 10th. Its funny looking down at hundreds of eyed up eggs after you have taken out all the fungused up ones :-) Tim
  6. My money is on a male nigerianus gold as the females dont have any green and either do the australe golds. Tim
  7. AquaNut

    Two Questions

    My last lot of Kings was spawned in a mop. I ended up with a 50/50 split in sex. I would say that a combination in temp and Ph made the difference in your case. Tim
  8. Hi Stella, I use peat alot to spawn alot of my killies. I couldnt give you a scientific explanation however my killies seem to do alot better with peat in their tanks. They can go longer with out water changes. I will be watching this thread to view other replies :-) Tim
  9. Im thinking I help organise a login of her own. :-)
  10. Im keeping in touch with Rose and was speaking with her yesterday. She was in good spirits. I will be heading over Friday week to clean out more of Alans tanks and told her that I will also show her how to log on to the site. i think it was a matter of her not having passwords etc etc. Tim
  11. Heres one, others to come
  12. I can help with pretty much any female killies available in NZ at present. Cheers Tim
  13. Alan was my best friend. He worked hard right up to the end, breeding and careing for his fish and fullfiling his duty as the NZKA president with drive and passion. He was a mentor to me and many others who have been bitten by the killi keeping bug. I will miss you mate. Who's going to kick my butt now when it comes to getting the newsletter out on time? My thoughts are with his family and everyone who knew him. Tim
  14. AquaNut


    Hey if the dollar goes back up then we could acquire a bulk shipment of night vision goggles. On the other hand I'll leave you with a experiment to do for me and I'd like the results in an email submitted to the Editor of the NZKA newsletter please. How about you only feed microworm to your fry at night and report back on whether or not they grew after 2 weeks. :-)
  15. Hi Paul, Id say you had better write an article for the NZKA newsletter at what ever stage its at on the 25th of August and email it to me. Its good to see your passion for killies has taken hold. WELL DONE. I'll come and visit if I may when its completed. Cheers Tim
  16. Hi. PM me your email address and I'll put you at the top of the list. Its a very exciting issue. Cheers Tim
  17. Gidday Fellow Killi Keepers, Hi. To the National supporters I make no apologies, to caryl (whoops will add your email address in list after posting this post), to paul r ( I need an accountant ), and to all others congratulating the newsletter staff ( Thanks, it makes a big difference since my partner never gives me any positive feedback on how nice my killies look. She just gives me other things :-) ) Oh yeh I nearly forgot. If it wasnt for our president cracking the whip at me, the newsletter would never come out!!! No, seriously, Alan Wakelin contributes/works the most for the club. At the end of the day it isnt the easiest position. Another person who works just as hard is our treasurer/secretary, Erling Jensen. Without him we wouldnt have anyone to accept money from new and rejoining members as well as accepting and replying to alot of correspondance. And then there is Stuart Lord. Well, where do I start? He is an oracle. If he opens his mouth then take what he says as being gospil (unless of course you dont have the time or for some reason dont agree with him) :-) As the killi spieces preserver for the NZKA, he definately has passion for protecting and growing the club. What a happy family we have all become. Keep Breeding killies. Cheers Tim Tim
  18. I know what you are going through,dont worry the feeling will pass. Its just a KILLI THING. :-) Do you need to borrow a tank or 2, heater and pump Paul? Or have you got that already? Tim
  19. WELL DONE. Now you just have to hatch them. Tim :-)
  20. Hi. I have done a few more sand spawns since Alan was here last. Ive now found the bestway to collect the eggs from the sive is to get your partners best black or dark blue face cloth and tap the siv onto it rather firmly. The eggs all come out and it makes it really easy to see the eggs and pick up with your fingers or sweezers. Remember that you should lay them on a bed of moist peat and try and place the eggs at least .5cm apart. The next couple of days is crucial. Pick the fungused eggs off the peat over say a five day period. Once you have done this there wont be any more eggs that will fungus up and you can safley store them for their 2-3 month incubation period. Cheers Tim
  21. Hi. Did you get those killies?
  22. AquaNut


    I use a combination of airstones and sponge filters. I tend to have airstones in fry & breeding tanks due to the constant water changes anyway, and sponge filters for grow out tanks. Tim
  23. AquaNut


    The oracle speaks again.... thanks casarole. Tim
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