Gidday Fellow Killi Keepers,
Hi. To the National supporters I make no apologies, to caryl (whoops will add your email address in list after posting this post), to paul r ( I need an accountant ), and to all others congratulating the newsletter staff ( Thanks, it makes a big difference since my partner never gives me any positive feedback on how nice my killies look. She just gives me other things :-) )
Oh yeh I nearly forgot. If it wasnt for our president cracking the whip at me, the newsletter would never come out!!! No, seriously, Alan Wakelin contributes/works the most for the club. At the end of the day it isnt the easiest position. Another person who works just as hard is our treasurer/secretary, Erling Jensen. Without him we wouldnt have anyone to accept money from new and rejoining members as well as accepting and replying to alot of correspondance.
And then there is Stuart Lord. Well, where do I start? He is an oracle. If he opens his mouth then take what he says as being gospil (unless of course you dont have the time or for some reason dont agree with him)
:-) As the killi spieces preserver for the NZKA, he definately has passion for protecting and growing the club.
What a happy family we have all become.
Keep Breeding killies.