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Coral as a PH buffer...........YES/NO


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Good evening to all.

I have just set up a tank for growing plants up, plus have some Red Ramshorn snails to keep things tidy, i have read that the PH cant go to acidic or it will corrode the shells which in turn will kill them.

So if i put some small bits of dead coral in my filter for the water to pass by, do you think this would help.

coral is a type of limestone.......YES/NO



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i could be totally off the mark but you want the water to have a fair amount of calcium in there cause thats what keeps the shells good.

i beleive coral or crushed coral is often used in african tanks to keep the ph and kh up so would assume that would do a good job

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As long as the pH is between 6.5 and 6.8 and the GH is high enough the snails should be fine. You want a decent GH for growing plants as well. Salts of Mg, K and Ca basically make up you GH and have little effect on pH.

Plants like 6.5-6.8 best. If the plants are growing really well you won't need snails anyway. Just a gentle siphon on the surface of the gravel every week or two is enough to keep things clean (as long as there's no undergravel filter).

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