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Curious about the Snails

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Hi Southerrngirl,

What shape are these snails???? :roll: :roll: :roll:

If they are a spiral shape then they are probably Malaysian Trumpet Snails, You could try doing a Google Search on these and see if they are the ones you have. :wink::wink::wink:

Snails breed like crazy, so if you are not wanting Snails in your tank, I suggest that you get rid of them real Quick, either by squishing them as Mystic has suggested or investing in a Loach of some sort, these guys are great little snail hunters. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Good Luck :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:


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Hmmm fishboi,

I have never seen those Snalis before, rather pretty I have to say.

i guess ur lucky that you haven't seen them before. once they start breeding they are almost impossible to get rid off.

had an out door wine barrow with them in the attempt to get rid of them all i drain the barrow, scrubbed it clean, leave it to dry for a couple of days, soaked in 1% bleach solution and now two weeks later they are all back living in the water with the bleach :o [my guess been out in the sun all the bleach is gone]

they are fine until u want to breed egg scatters in what their in as they eat all the eggs :roll:

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  • 3 months later...

I've been plagued by these two snails :evil: for more than a year and every time I think I've got rid of them they pop up again (snail rid doesn't kill the eggs). The pointed one is the worst :x because it chomps through my twisted val before they are big enough for you to see them. I've got 5 species of loaches (chain, skunk, lochata/yo yo, clown, angelicus) and although they're good at keeping the numbers down they don't actually erraticate them 100%. The small flat snail is too small to interest most of the loaches although young chain loaches are pretty good.

The JBL snail trap was great for getting rid of ramshorns (pleco chips as bait) but my guppies kept getting into the trap as well :-?

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They came courtesy of Faran, hitchhiking on some Riccia!

Me too lol minus the Riccia

but I asked for them.

5% bleach / 95% water in a bucket, leave plant in it for 15 minutes, drain and soak in fresh water with dechlorinator in it, will prevent snails and either other nasties coming with, something you should always do, but I never do :oops:

I'm bored of the ramshorns as they just lay eggs everywhere, overpopulate, then I forget to feed and they die and stink out the aquarium.

The other one you have photographed their Zev I'm trying to name, I thought it was the Malaysian Trumpet but pics on the net disagree :( I like them, they breed way way way less than the ramshorns, mine seem to stay small and they dont overpopulate as badly.

I'm hunting for a website that lists snails and photos in a gallery, but I can't find one thats complete, most of the google results are people just writing pages and pages and pages about their third cousins fight with a ramshorn infestation back in 82 and no pictures :(

Edit: PurpleCatfish, try a slice of Courgette as bait, you'll end up with a literal pile of snails overnight, I do this and give our Oscar cichlid the rewards the next day, also fattens up the baby ramshorns for next week 8)

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One last thing I forgot to mention. The trumpet style brown one in Zevs post, we opened up the filter on the Oscar tank and it was full of them, none actually have ever been visible inside the aquarium, but just upon opening the filter cover we could see about 20 of them, none bigger than about a cm. Great for us as the oscar is such a pig at dinner time, and they will certainly help clean up, but I can see that being a nightmare for fish breeders.

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Hey SpidersWeb, if you were a snail in an Oscar tank, you'd hide in the filter too!!

We always get dead snail bodies in the bottom of the HOB filter, the trumpet ones.

We've now also got these ones


Can snails crossbreed? Or do Ramshorns start out this colour?

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I have both of these type of snails too.

In my larger tank I must have a fish that eats snails, I have actually been wondering who it would be, because the numbers in that tank are small and its a four foot tank. When I gravel syphon this tank there are heaps of empty shells that get sucked up.

In my 60 litre tank they are in bigger numbers and I just remove as many as I can or suck them up when cleaning and tip them down the plughole.

Any ideas out of my fishies in the big tank as to who the snail eater would be I have angelfish, gouramis, a siamese fighter, congo tetras, serpae tetras, a golden algae eater, a golden ram, and a bristlenose plec.

I am guessing one of the first three but not sure. Any ideas?

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Bleach water has a half life of like 12 hours. Only reason I know this is I had to according to the Texas State Department of Health. Worked in a daycare and we bleach watered *everything*. Had to make it up fresh every day. After 12 hours it turns into various other things (salts, etc) but doesn't have any germ killing (or other killing) properties.

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