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MAF Biosecurity visit.


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Doesn't bother me in the slightest. I think it would be sensible of them to pop in here sometimes and get an overview. I've never seen anything in here other than encouragement to stick to the rules and a genuine concern for protecting our waterways etc.

I agree with Caryl and the others. I'm glad they are doing their job.



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I was very interested to read this thread. We have had a couple of visits a few years back and they went around the whole property. At that stage they were very interested in vals which we were using in our tanks. They came from the Wanganui region but it was never confirmed whether they were americana or gigantea. It resulted in us changing to a plastic alternative. As far as I am aware the only legal variety is the twisted val but as biosecurity is part of the regional councils it may vary from area to area. They took samples of our ludwigia but never heard back so it must be ok. After that they found koi in some local ponds so they have since visited all ponds and destroyed the koi. Unfortunately they have now been seen in a local river - not sure how they will get rid of them once they are established.

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End of the day if they want in they get in, matters not to them how they do it. We shouldn't in theory have any illegal plants anyway. So personally i reckon its a good idea, why let some greedy fools ruin it for everyone else.

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K, who can point me to a site where I can check to see what's ALLOWED and known in NZ? I've been collecting plants for about 6 months now and I want to make sure MAF don't come busting down my door telling me that I have some funky crypt or sword that's not registered or whatever. The FNZAS plant survey may be a start but that's just a drop in the bucket of plants available to aquaria in the rest of the world. Is that it?

I've chatted with a few people that have been checked and I wouldn't have seen a problem with any of the plants they had even if I had them (which I don't) and alans ludwigia that they took looks a lot like a plant I saw in pictures of a NZ tank from about 7 years ago (tank and plant no longer exist). I've even checked online and most of these plants can't even exist in NZ water temps... then again, neither can many of the fish that aren't allowed as they aren't registered.

I'm not questioning anyones judgment, just want to know what's allowed and not.

So if I have fish that are a one-of-a-kind (and obviously something not registered) in NZ can MAF come and take that too? Even if it was purchased at a LFS?

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You know what I fined funny here. They seem to let in cold water fish that are not natives but yet can survive in the wild here. Yet some of the warm water fish that people would like that can't survive in the wild they don't allow??? Really messed up.

As far as plants go hey I don't have any problems with them checking any of the 3 plants I have (ok maybe 4 including duckweed lol).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have contacted some local agencies to see if we can't add a link to existing information so hobbyists can easily find out what and more importantly what not they can keep.

The information does exist, it's just almost impossible to find it (even with Google). I found it once but can't remember where and did not bookmark it...

As soon as I get permission and links I'll make a new page under the main site address www.fnzas.org.nz/.... Once done, I'll add a link in this thread to kick start people in the right direction.

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