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Some Breeding Questions


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Ok I am looking into getting some angels at some stage and I was wondering how big do they have to be in order to breed them if I am even lucky enough to end up with a pair?

Do they require anything special? I know they prefer a flat surface like a piece of slate on an angle or a tile even. But what else do they require?

If all goes well they will be in a tank by themself.


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When I was breeding angels I kept each pair in a 12 gallon bare tank. I had a 100mm x 100mm slate with s/s hooks right at the top of the tank and when the eggs were laid I hatched them in 150 x 150mm tanks with an airstone and then transfered them to larger bare tanks when free swimming. They do well on live food like bbs and microworm but need bare tanks or the food gets lost in the media. Lots of water changes with the parents and fry.

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Best bet is to buy six Juvies and let them mature and pair off naturally. This takes about nine months or if you are really in a hurry buy a breeding pair off trade me or ask on here under trade and exchange.



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I think the advice to get about six and grow them up is best because that way they pair better. If you buy a pair from a breeder you will not get their best pair usually. You may get a good pair from someone on here. My advice would be to make sure you pick good genes and finnage and that way you will have a realy good variation in offspring and they will be easier to sell. The genes are in pairs so you can get some good combinations from one pair if you choose well.

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so if I was to get the biggest ones in the tank possible then my chances of spawning them sooner would be better?

Can anyone give me any size indication as to spawning stage? Like body size? Like would 5-7cms from nose to tail base be of good size?


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Yes PJ, depending on their gender of course, that size will breed, well, they have for me any way.

I have a pair here at that size, that lay approx. monthly, but so far they have not got past their eating egg stage or their eggs fungusing for me.

But I see last night that they were getting defensive of their piece of slate.

So I'm expecting eggs this morning when I go out and turn on the lights.

Alan 104

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When choosing fish to breed I always keep away from the very biggest of the bunch in the belief that if you do that all the time you will selectively breed the most aggressive fish (not something you want with cichlids). I go for the next lot down. You often find that the ones with the best genes will be a bit runty eg double veil tail or double black gene. These can be good to cross with a hardier individual.

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