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New Tank!


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Well here is the new tank, it's a 4 footer.

Just very new now & a little stark looking, but I've tried to place corals so that as they grow it's all going to fill in nicely, in another year or two it will look good ( I hope ).

The sps's did not like the move & have mostly gone brown but still are healthy enough & I'm sure will come back. Due to the crappy weather we've been having I was forced to use not so clean seawater & intial Po4 reading was 0.7. nearly a week later it has dropped to 0.1, I'm targeting 0.02.

The zeovit is not up & running yet because the calcium reactor is not set up yet. I'm dosing manually which means some fluctuations, I'll fire up the zeovit once the calcium reactor is back up and levels are stable.

The tank has no sump, but a central overflow, with water being removed from it and returned to the tank via the HOB skimmer. There is also a zeovit reactor in the overflow, with flow being provided by the water flowing into the overflow.

I'll be making a nicer looking light hood but that will be after everything else is finished.

After some house renovations are completed in the next year or two I'll be able to set up a nice bigger tank, but this one will keep me happy for now :D .


Here are the right & left hand sides. The left side has more flow & light, and is for corals that like that, and the right side has little flow, less light, and has all those nice softies & lps that I missed so much in my last tank.



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Thanks for all the nice comments :D Was a bit scared to post the pics as things are still in the early stages but you've all made me feel good about it :D .

looking great wasp, im coming over shortly to get some frags :wink:
Well you'll have to come over for something! We haven't even met yet. Got that orp thing yet?

how long have you had the CBB in your main tank?
Just a few days in the main, I've waited until it's good enough at eating to keep up with the other fish. It was several months in a tank by itself until it got artificial foods sorted.

Good Job

Another BB tank, must be doing something right then Wasp. :)

Yes, this time I've tried black starboard, and it looks good I like it :D .

Looking good wasp! :D

Is that a diy rock wall of some kind? In the middle of the centre pic? Looks pretty big.

It's a thin flat type bit to hide the overflow. I've stuck a few frags on it once they grow out I'm hoping it will make a nice effect.

Alastair should work for Sea World - he can train CBBs to eat granular fish food!
Yes, when Ross and Kyle were here I showed them how the copperband will eat pellets. It's a beautiful fish so I'm real pleased about that :D .

Are you planning on adding sand or is this a bare bottom?
I was planning on adding sand but the current is too strong in some areas it blows away, so, another BB. Luckily I already put the black starboard in which kind of suits, it doesn’t have that barren type look some BB’s have

That looks great!

Wasp - is that a Deltec MCE600 skimmer? if so could you possibly take some closeup photos of your overflow/skimmer design?

Yes, I'll do some pics Tuesday.
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Well you'll have to come over for something! We haven't even met yet. Got that orp thing yet?

like taking candy from a big hungry fat man. no not yet. name a day (night) this week and i'll be there :D (weds or thurs?) pm me if either or neither suit!

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Here is a pic of the overflow & skimmer, the intake pipe of the skimmer has been extended to draw water from the bottom of the overflow, and when it leaves the skimmer it goes back into the main tank.

The reason I did this was to get surface skimming, and also so that the zeovit reactor can be hidden inside the overflow, instead of an extra pump to circulate water through it, the flow from the top of the overflow down to the skimmer intake passes through it, I've put a baffle in the skimmer to ensure correct flow rate. There is also a space in the overflow for a bag of carbon should I wish to do this.

The zeovit reactor is pictured below, it is made from a bit of drainpipe with a cap glued on the end, and lots of little holes drilled to allow water to flow through. In a non zeovit tank this could be used for carbon or whatever.

The weakness in this system is that if tank water dropped too low the overflow would go dry & there would be damage to the skimmer pump. So a Tunze auto top off unit has been ordered to attempt to ensure this does not happen, and the tank is also run with water high enough it needs 4 days evaporation without top off for that to happen. That should be long enough for me to notice if anything fails.



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