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Hi I have been keeping fish for years but never got involved in clubs or websites or anything.

My tank (4 foot) is currently rather empty; it has a five bronze cats in it and a single rainbow shark. It is well planted with java moss and lots of other different types of plants that I don't know the names of. It has lots of hiding places which the shark enjoys as he darts from one to the next. or hovers just in front of his favourite ready to hide in it at a moments notice.

I am interested to hear from anyone in Wellington that is willing to sell me some nice guppies to start a population in my tank.

I like guppies with lots of blue :-)

Anyway now that I am registered you should 'see' more of me here.

Have a great day everyone.


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Hi and welcome Andre. You really ought to join a local club as they have many breeders among them. Kapi-Mana club is hosting the FNZAS conference this year too - a great opportunity to meet fishkeepers from around the country.

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Thanks for the quick responses!

I'll chase the kapi mana thing and my shark is a bit longer than 4 inches, maybe almost 5; he is hard to measure. I think he distrusts the tape measure! He is a happy fish with all that room though.

I had lots of tiger barbs, they ate a lot of the finer plants which are recovering nicely. I'd had them for quite some years and over a period of about the last 3 to 6 months they started dying. I guess they got too old. They certainly got fat and lazy. The barbs in the end learned to make a sharp turn and let the shark shoot by, and they stopped chasing each other. They definitely put in minimum effort. They got quite dark too, the males (I think they were the males) almost completely black with a spot of red close to the face/ on the face. Sometimes the males still put on a bit of a show circlig each other real tight but this happened less and less. I never once had fry, never saw eggs for that matter either, maybe the bronzes ate them? I decided to let the last one 'retire' with grace before repopulating the tank, that said guppies would probably have been kind to the old fella.

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Hi and welcome.

It might help for future reference, to state where your from in your

profile. It saves a lot of unecessary questions.

I have guppy fry at the moment, which are about 2-3 weeks old.

Nice food for your shark lol.

There are also a couple of others I know for sure have guppy young.

They may well post and say Hi.

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Hi Andre,

Welcome to the FNZAS Forums, great to have you here, if you have any fishy questions, that need to be answered, please dont hesitate to ask, I'm sure there will be someone here that will be able to help you.

Good Luck, with finding some guppies to fill up your tank.

Happy Fishing


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Thanks for the welcome, I have updated my profile to reflect where I live, thanks for the hint.

Kookie what colours are your guppies?

Do rainbow sharks eat small fry? Probably a silly question, it has a mouth and it is a fish and fry are smaller than its mouth...if they do I have a small tank on the side that I could set up to rear them before releasing them into the larger tank. The small tank is quite dirty at the moment...its used to grow plants and snails (ramhorn) in and has lots and lots of dead vegetable matter in it. I am also not sure how good the water condition is now...no filter for starters but I could buy one.

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Hi fingol

the Kapi Mana Fish Club Day meets the Last Wednesday of every month.

Means the next meeting is 29 March

Time: 7:45 pm meet with meeting starting at 8:00pm


Doris Mills Lounge,

Linden Community Centre,

Linden Avenue,



more than welcome to come along and meet us all - then you would be able to find out who is breeding guppies in this area - there are quite a few of us that have some.

cheers Karen

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Hi Fingol.

Good on you for updating your profile.

Not too sure what colors my guppy will be. Still so small. But I have noticed (after sitting there staring for last 30 mins) that one of them is a reddish color. Stands out from the rest. Can't wait to see what they will look like a bit older.

I may end up chucking them into my big tank in a week or so, to help with the cycling. Probably get lost in there lol.

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Bought two bristlenose this week. They are quite fun to watch, my GF thinks they are cute (they are still below two inches, and have lots of distinctive dots) She said they look like they stepped out of the seventies, and keep on revering to their clothes :P

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hi there :)

i have about 120 guppies at the moment, though only 2 of them are adult. the rest are 2wks, 6wks and "teenager" aged. :D

kookie, let me know your colouring, cause when they get older, i may have to borrow a boy off of you to get the red colour in my lot. :wink::P:D

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Hi Fingol and welcome to the forums. The local fish club is awesome and we have a lot of very active members on the forums. Too bad you already bought some BNs, there's quite a few of us around here that breed them and sell them to local club members for gold-coin donations each.

I currently breed a mixed sort and snakeskins and metallic king cobras. Not blue in the tails but rather stunning with metallic blue, green and purple bodies.

Always good to have yet another experienced fish keeper pop up and get active. See you in a few weeks at the meet!

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Hi BlueandKim

Still getting a bit used to the idea that there are a lot of people here, with resources at their fingertips that I have never dreamed off. Thanks for the reminder! :oops:

Today I got the small side tank going again. While I am waiting for the water to "cycle", I am thinking about what do with it. I want to breed guppies (which is no more specific as I like them to be blue) Do I put other fish in the tank or will I need all its space for a second community of them?

The tank is a "standard" 2 feet long.

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