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Multi Tank Syndrome (M.T.S) survey. How many tanks do you have (be honest !)  

41 members have voted

  1. 1. Multi Tank Syndrome (M.T.S) survey. How many tanks do you have (be honest !)

    • 1
    • 2
    • 3-4
    • 5-7
    • 8-11
    • 12-15
    • 15-25
    • 25+

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Hi everyone - great idea here.

My name is Richard, and I have a Mad case of MTS.

I have nearly 30 tanks, of which 8 are "currently" set up in various rooms around my house. A 7footer, two 4 footers, three 3 footers, and two 2 foot tanks.

Sometimes I think I get more satisfaction out of "setting up" a system than I should - and spend more time (and energy) cleaning and aquascaping and moving filters about, than actually caring for established tanks.

I have learnt NOT to sell tanks when the bug dies off......the bug always returns (and its too expensive to keep buying everythin all over again.)

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Hi my name is Simon and I'm well addicted.

I only have 4 tanks running at the moment, but however my girlfriend (who shops for fish out of my tanks) is apparently getting 6 more lol

Seemingly I'm supposed to breed enough fish to fill them, who am I to complain....

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Hi, our names are Blue and Kim.

Blue has MTS but Kim does NOT :lol:

We've only been back into fish for 3 months after Blue took a 10 year vacation from fishkeeping. Already up to 8 tanks (only 5 currently running) we're now out of space and will be looking to buy a new house to fit more tanks :o

Oh, I should mention that our cats love our MTS. They now have a TV in every room of the house!

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Hello all,

My name is Dug and I have started to get a craving for tanks, I dont think I have enough yet to call it an adiction!!

I Have

1 X Five foot

1 X Four Foot

3 X Three foot

1X 2 Foot

1 X 18"

1 X hex

So as you can see not nearly enough!!! :o :-?

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Hi, my name is Caryl and I am a recovered addict in full control.

We used to have 18 tanks but have managed to control ourselves and are now down to a manageable 3.

Oh hang on, forgot to mention the one we had to set up for the barbs.

Oh and the one in the spare room as a temporary home for fish passing through the country.

The second one in there is currently empty so doesn't count :lol:

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hi mine name is mark and im addicted to fish.

reading this i dont feel like i am on my own anymore,the same thing happens to other people,i have gone from 3 nice tanks(3,4,6)witch i have been happy with for years.i had to get one more because dozer(my jag)was getting a bit to pushy,started looking,have now found 8 more new ones in two months.

now i have

1.5ft baby severum(12)

2.5ft jag fry(200)/bbs(100000)

3ft midas

4ft red devil

4ft jags (2)

5ft comunity (250)

6ft cichlids comunity, (10)

2 x spare 2.5ft (in case i find something real nice)

8ft am building stand at the moment

5ft with trickel to be picked up this weekend for salt water

its not a problem it keeps me off the streets and out of the pub with something beautiful to show for it.

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Hi my name is Justin, I used to suffer from MTS till I went to MTS anonymous.

Manage a LFS with 160 Fish Tanks, thats enough to cure anyone. :roll:

Glad to say I cut back to,

1- 6 Foot Tank

2- 4 Foot Tanks

3- 2 Foot Tanks, for fry, 1 currently empty.

this way I just keep a few favourites.

But now I am out of the industry, :hail: and now urge to buy tanks of any size is increasing, :x have to resist urge to buy more fish & tanks. :lol:

Frenchy :D

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Hi my name is Stuart and I have a miner case of MTS .

I have about 34 tanks, but it could be more :oops: :lol:

But it's getting worse, I'm slowly building a new fish foom that will have over 80 tanks. :( :lol:

I have told my self that once the new room is finished I will revert my old fish room back into the spare bed room, so my friends have some were to stay if there in town :D

Although some of the killis I keep, minnows, danio's etc like it a little cooler so I may just leave it as a fish room,do you think my friends would mind sleeping on the floor? :oops:

PLEASE HELP ME :cry: I need more tanks :lol: :lol:

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i am and average fish keeper not too many tanks only 13 i have

7 foot africans

5 foot african

2x110cm african juvies

3x80cm guppies/bn's

1x70cm altolamprologus pair

60litre hex, running but empty

40litre running but empty

5 foot 3 section bricardi/bns & african fry

80cm african fry

60cm planted tank just for growing plants

hmmm i think thats 13 hopefully some killie tanks on the way. :lol:

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Ok, here we go, this is hard .....

Hi, I'm Cees and I'm addicted to fish.

I have:

- 25 tanks dedicated to guppies

- 1 tank with goldfish and apple snails.

I have space and a need for more tanks.

Because I can resist buying fish at a petshop (I only need guppies) I don't think I have a problem.


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