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Urgent help needed


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As above I need help urgently.    Brought a tank from trade me with fish. There fish where healthy as   Gone it  home  set it up thought it was cycled. Added fish  but then after a couple of weeks with all looking good  it killed my fish all except 3 cories and 1 tetra.  So I striped it all down cleaned the gravel out. Re planted it. Left it to cycle again. Got a 6 in 1 test strip and checked.  Nitrate ok nitrite  ok ph good. Hardness ok.  Added  10 guppies last nite. And all dead this morning.   I'm pulling my hair out here.  I've been adding prime as well and then I did a stupid think. By long fin bristlenose. Had breed in this tank so I moved him and his eggs and orderment to my baby grow out tank. And now all my fish in there are dieing.  Having a number of tanks it's only these two tanks it's happing to.    



Please help me. 

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Sorry to be so basic - but it might be worth checking that the heater/s are actually working correctly. Check the temperature on your tank thermometers, and make sure everything is plugged in, switched on, functioning normally etc. I lost almost a whole tank of fish a while ago because I didn't notice that a plug board fuse had tripped and gone off until too late.

Or maybe some nasty parasite, but I think they tend to work a lot slower than what you have seen happen. Or the addition of the bristlenose has actually overloaded the filtration in both tanks with ammonia spikes both times?

Anyway, good luck with getting it sorted.

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That wouldn't surprise me they dug up  the roads not too long ago   But it came right  I did test the water straight from the tap I and it seamed ok. 

The test kits don't test for chlorine, that's the most likely thing they would have done is just treat it with a large dose of chlorine.

But that's the thing the baby tank has been set up for about 6 mouths  and was fine till I added the cave and fish. But going to do test tomorrow and other org water change  even my plants are all dieing off 

Wait, you said in your original post, "After a couple weeks..." and now you're saying 6 months?

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It's all good colour genes any think is worth trying.    Heater is working fine. It's on about 25.    


Sorry ira. I have a new tank which is where it all  started in.    The second the baby grow out tank.  Is where I added the log  from the first tank to.  To have the same thing happen if it was only one tank I could  understand. But to just add a log and ban and about 10 tiny babies.  Iand the same think happens. I can't understand.  





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Could it be the log is it real or fake I rember when I got my frist ever tank I was about 6 my uncle bought me a special thermometer for the tank and it killed all the fish as it had been treated with non fish friendly chemicals 

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It's a resin log. That I'd used before but I too was thinking  that mind u. I  have thought of all kinds of things. Then  thought if it was the log. The fish wouldn't have breed in it. But I took it out boiled it up added so much commen salt I've left it in the bucket.  


Does anybody use use a uv light that they got from eBay  that goes in your tank.  If so how did u find it worked 

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If you've changed or cleaned all the substrate at once, it's very possible that you have an Ammonia spike. Substrate holds a lot of beneficial bacteria (especially if filters are inadequate, or if you're using an under-gravel filter), so cleaning it out all at once can have the same type of effect as cleaning out all of a filter. 

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