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Oddball For 750 Litre?

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Four silver dollars would be ok IMO, but certainly get more clowns. I had 30 in a tank that size, ranging from 4-8" and it was epic! Very entertaining to watch with all the antics, especially at feeding time. They're great fish and I wish more people would think of them as 'feature fish' rather than just a clean-up crew in the background.

The limiting factor here will the the CL; if you get more (unless you can find and pay for some large ones) you will be stuck with some small fish that don't grow all that fast compared to other similar sized fish. You would probably want to rule out anything predatory and faster growing like an ornate bichir, oscar, knife fish etc.

IMO good oddballs for your tank would be a fire eel, and/or smaller Polytperus species (delhezi, palmas, senegal).

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Would recommend one of the smaller polypterus, palmas palmas are my favourite, they are quite hard to find at the moment though. just you need to be careful that your clowns (or other fish) are not small enough to fit in the poly's mouth, as they are very predatory and will eat smaller fish if given the chance.

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Dats are cool, and would be good with silver dollars in a tank that size, but although they are slow-ish growing if you start with LFS-sized clowns and LFS-sized dats it won't be that long until the clowns are gone.

Given that you already have larger silver dollars, maybe consider rehoming the solo clown to someone who has a group already and that would increase your options for keeping larger predatory fish.

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It would be ok, certainly better than having just one, but not as good as five, or 10, or 30!


While they can do ok in smaller groups, you really are missing out on a lot of the interesting behaviours you see with a larger group. You've got a good sized tank for them, think hard about whether you want a couple of large predatory fish or a big community of smaller-medium peaceful ones.

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Tinfoils yes, but you may end up regretting them.

Apollo shark yes, but they rarely ever come in.

Banded Leporinus yes, but they are agro apparently.

Flagtail yes, great fish, great colour, eat algae but get big - henwards old one was massive and certainly filled up his tank. Needs to have room to swim.

Considered a school of pictus catfish? Wicked fish in a group.

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Ok I have decided I will put all my current big tanks stock into the new tank.So I will not get a flagtail and will only do 3 clown loaches

Stock from my big tank:

1 clown loach

1 boesemans rainbow (he is ok by himself as he was with silver dollars,angels,gouramis and paradise fish but no other of his kid when I got him)

5 silver dollars

2 keyhole cichlids

2 red spotted mettynnis (They think the're silver dollars)

2 Bristlenose

1 chocolate talking catfish

Fish I will add:

2 red hump earth eaters

2 clown loaches

1 or 2 bichirs

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