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I've got the same as you've got - wendtii and undulate plus trumpet snails :)

Well they look the same, I will get Liam to check when he comes to pick his up. I was sold them both as barclays.

Well you definitely dont have Barclaya Adrienne! Ill pm you about pick up.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another :smot: hijack - does that mean it's easily possible to ID crypts without flowers? (if so I will need to post a thread of my own asking for some IDs) and am I right in thinking that's a sad looking java fern rather than madagascar lace plant (I think it is, just triple and quadruple checking)?

I didn't even see the MTS at first I thought they were part of the substrate. That's what my old tank used to look like lol - but they were more obvious on the black gravel. Would be fine but they really creep me out :oops:

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  • 3 weeks later...

You would probably be best to start your own thread as those who responded to the first two posters with an ID are unlikely to read any further posts.

The first photo plants are purchased and then sold as stem plants by the shops but for the life of me I cannot remember the names. The other is hydrocotyle - pretty certain Liam will know which one it is.

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Does anyone else have some ideas?

I'm not really sure what else I can tell you. The purple one (at least I think) isn't a true aquatic (will die off in your tank) - possibly Hemigraphis colorata which is one commonly sold, the one next to it is Hygrophila (I think corymbosa). The first plant is difficult to identify as if it isn't a true aquatic then we're unlikely to know it, but if it is then it's emersed grown and will look quite different to the submerged form. The second pic is definitely Hydrocotyle but it's hard to tell when emersed, but I imagine likely the H leucocephala - behind that is Saururus cernuus.

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