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Nuking aiptasia


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Keep re-boiling the water, it must allways be super hot just the apties love it :).

Pull the rock out of water so that the aptie is exposed stick the needle into its mouth and slowly 15-20 sec fill it with its fav drink, the anenome should start to swell and go white.

After practice if you rotate the needle all around the base of aptie you may be able to gently flick the anem off the rock as to not pollute the tank

HTH ben

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so i need a syringe with a needle attached. The thing is, is that I have lots of rock and the aiptasia is on the new rock (which is quite alot) and would be a real pain to take every rock out.

Are there any other suggestions?



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I had a huge problem about 9 months ago.I got a stanley knife blade and cut them out scraping the rock and the same time.They come out in one piece and you dont have to take the rocks out.I have no re growth as long as you get 99% off the rock.Cheap and affective + easy to do.

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Kalkwasser is less than $100 per 25kg. You probably want a little less though, lots of people here have it. NOTE: You should probably have some to mix with your freshwater anyway, cheapest way to buffer the tank and add calcium.


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You can also sit another rock over them and they will move. When they hop on the small rock just take it out of the tank. That is a good method for ones that are well buried. The needle worked well for me. If they are in a hole you can also just seal them in with some aquastick.

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