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Are Kribensis OK in a community tank?


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Hi Kribs are fantastic fish but do get aggressive when breeding , as long as the fish they are in with are fast enough to get out of Daddies way , they is no problem but if there slow and push there luck .....another story.

Kribs are worth a tank of there own ..... :)

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My individual male krib has caused a lot of trouble, even without the encouragement of a mate. As a result my community tank is now contains only fish that are either fast or inconspicuous. This is probably just a particularly bad individual, but they certainly have the potential for causing chaos.

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I kept a very large male with my Discus for a few years with no problems, but he was very placid.

Watch out because they will dig caves under rocks wood etc, so make sure anything like this is sitting on the tank bottom not on the top of the gravel or you might risk it falling over.

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Thanks for all the replies every one.

My Kribs are only 2cm long at the moment so hopefully they won't cause too much trouble.

Don't have anything that is at risk of falling over if they do a bit of excavating.

Been in there for 3 days so far and no problems.

Cheers everyone


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Hi, Wok, Graeme here, I have Kribensis in my big tank and they get on with everyone except guppies, swords and platties, all of those mentioned are just not fast enough. Mine are in with very large Pleco, large tinfoil, catfish,clown loaches, they were also ok with Silver Shark and Silver dollar. They tousled with the Jewels though, don't really know who won there, I removed the Jewels before they caused too much trouble, cheers, p.s. the plant and the guppies are doing great tks

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i use to have kribs ............... UNTIL THEY KILLED ALL OF MY FISH!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:

It was breeding season though. I think I did go a bit over the top with dealing with the situation. Got so pi**ed off that I fed one to my rather large oscars.


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